How to Thrive in Peri Menopause
Today is World Menopause Day which is part of Menopause Awareness Month. Here I share some of my top tips for navigating per-menopause and menopause so that you thrive, not survive.

6 ways to manage emotional eating habits
While you are on a Meal Plan you are making the choice to consume healthier foods and drinks. You are choosing to replace the sugar and processed carbs with more nutrient dense foods that not only fill you up but feed your body with good nutrition. All of this is great and it will help you reach your body goals in the short term.

Ionic Detox Footbaths
The primary benefit of an ionic detox footbath is that it enhances the body's own natural detoxification abilities. This allows the body to remove heavy metals and other toxic elements from the body more efficiently. Assisting the body's natural detoxification process results in: A stronger immune system.

What's one thing that slows your metabolism?
Time and time again, I see clients who feel like they’ve been doing everything "right" and aren’t getting the weight loss results that they want. They diet… They obsess over calories…

How to change unhealthy habits that aren't serving you anymore
Do you want to change some habits that aren't serving you anymore, but you're not sure how to do it?
Just by taking a first step, any small step, you will have enacted change, and be on your way to getting healthy and losing weight.

The secret to a sexy summer body
When was the last time you felt good?
Like REALLY good?
Comfortable in your body?
Vibrant and glowing? SEXY??
"Before kids!" I hear you cry! Well you're not alone…

Need to de-stress? Here are simple ways to carve out some 'me-time'
Did you know that stress related anxiety is one of most common mental health conditions affecting women, according to official statistics?

Seven reasons for getting a good night's shut eye
Remember the days when you woke up naturally, and felt amazingly rested and refreshed, like you’ve had just the right amount of sleep? Didn’t think so!

Easy steps to stay healthy and strong
We are still in the midst of a global pandemic, which is pretty mind bogging, considering this all started more than 16 months ago!!! Who thought we'd still be here -- and back in lockdown for those of us who are in Greater Sydney?Certainly not me!

The Benefits of Castor Oil Packs
To help heal health issues and aid in effective detoxification I recommend castor oil packs to my clients. They are a cost effective and simple treatment that can easily be done at home and produce a wide variety of health benefits.

How To Enjoy Your Own Company and Love Yourself More
After struggling with hormonal ups and downs as a teenager, and an episode of depression when I was 19 and suffering a breakup heartache, I decided to study and help cultivate more self-love. I ultimately wanted to learn how to enjoy my company and love myself more.

Ready to say good riddance to 2020?
It seems like the entire planet is eager to welcome the arrival of 2021 and slam the door shut on a year that most would rather forget.
It's hardly surprising. While there may still be a long road ahead, and life might never be quite the same again, a new year provides an opportunity to put the past behind us. It presents a clean slate from which to dream big and manifest the life we want for the future.

The health benefits of a plant-based diet
The idea of eating "plant-based" sounds healthy. And it is. It is also a buzzword we're seeing more and more. But what exactly is a plant-based diet and what makes it healthy? A plant-based (or plant-forward) diet is a style of cooking and eating that emphasises foods primarily from plants but is not strictly limited to them. Meat may be included but it’s usually not the main feature of the meal.

What's a habit you'd like to change?
At Mummy Mojo we are passionate about our clients achieving sustainable, positive change. It's NEVER about being perfect. We're all human. We all make mistakes. Being perfect is IMPOSSIBLE, and the sooner we get that the better. It's actually very relieving.

Serial Entrepreneur Amber Chapman on her passion for business, the power of play and the importance of me time
Amber Chapman, Northern Beaches mum of two and founder of ParentHood360, is the brains behind the Hood Creche, an hourly child-minding service at Stockland Shopping Centre, Balgowlah. With the service recently expanding to include a mobile creche and childminding service, themed events and birthday parties, Amber certainly has a lot on her plate. In this week’s Mojo Maker, she shares with us her secrets for keeping all the balls in the air, whilst keeping her sanity and her mojo flowing,

Ingredients to include in a healthy smoothie
I've always been a fan of a smoothie. These versatile beverages are easy to prepare, often very tasty, and are great for helping your get your vitality and mojo back on track! They can make a delicious breakfast or snack, and without all the added sugar.