Balancing Mind, Body & Space
Wellbeing Clinic
As a health coach, I’ll help you reach your goals in areas such as achieving optimal weight, reducing stress, and maximising energy. As we work together, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the food and lifestyle choices that work best for you and implement lasting changes that will improve your energy, balance and health.
As a Master trained Life Coach, I am committed to empowering you to choose a path that aligns with your passions and true purpose, and gives you the personal freedom to live a full, mojo-filled life.
My approach is not to dwell on calories. It is not to create lists of restrictions or good and bad foods. Instead, I work with my clients to create a happy, healthy diet in a way that is flexible, fun and rewarding.
As a qualified Master Hypnotherapist, I use hypnotherapy to help you let go of what’s blocking you so that you can get your mojo back in flow.
As a Master Time Line Therapy® Practitioner, I utilise your own internal “Time Line” to heal emotional traumas and eradicate unwanted thoughts, emotions and behaviors.
As an advanced practitioner, I guide you through a simple technique that can help you to release negative emotions and beliefs so you can feel light and happy again.
Using a variety of NLP strategies, I will work with you to discover your purpose, understand your values, and achieve your goals in life and health.
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Work with me
I practice a holistic approach to health and wellbeing, including; Coaching (Life, NLP, Health), Nutrition, Hypnosis, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Matrix Reimprinting, and Time Line Therapy®. I offer services online (Zoom) so that I can work with you, no matter where you are in the world. My clinic in North Manly, Sydney, also offers therapies such as infrared sauna, ionic foot spa, and red light therapy.
Living Mojo sessions extend beyond health into the key areas that make up your life; home life relationships, spirituality, career & self expression. In addition to this, I can support you in releasing stress, negative patterns of behaviour, and limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from living your best, mojo-filled life.
I am passionate about giving you the tools and guidance you need to transform your health and happiness, to live your best, mojo-filled life.
Who is Mummy Mojo?
Hello beautiful soul, my name is Amy, and I am a qualified Coach, Therapist and self-confessed mojo-holic. When I became a mum I lost my mojo. Mine was a typical story - I was overburdened and continuously putting my own needs last, no matter what it cost me physically, socially, emotionally and mentally. I embarked on a journey of self-discovery to understand what it takes to value and unconditionally love yourself.
These days, I carefully weave my family life and personal aspirations into a career that I adore: helping women to transform their health, happiness and wellbeing. I’m doing what my heart loves to do most - being a coach to gorgeous women as they lean into their truth and peel away layers of fear, limiting self beliefs and ego-fuelled chatter - so they can be their very best - full of vitality, confidence, sparkle, and mojo!

New Program - Autumn/Winter 30-Day Detox
Limited Places - Registrations Open Now.

Whether you want to get better sleep, lose the belly bloat, improve your skin, or you just want to give your digestive system a break, my 3-Day Mojo Reboot will help you break the "Coronavirus vicious cycle" and get your health and wellness back on track.
Try for Free! 3-Day Mojo Reboot
