Mindful self-care tips

Being a mum is a 24/7 job. We often put ourselves last and can be our own toughest critics. But mindful self-care can help us navigate the challenges of motherhood with open eyes and an open heart, making the journey less stressful and more meaningful.

Starting a mindful self-care practice might feel overwhelming—like one more thing to add to your never-ending to-do list. You might not even know where to begin, beyond making promises to skip wine on Mondays, hit the gym three times a week, and then giving up by Day 2.

But here’s the thing: getting back on track doesn’t have to be daunting. It all starts with a decision—a decision from within to believe that you deserve to take care of yourself. Your best days aren’t behind you; they can begin tomorrow.

With so many demands on our time and attention, it’s no surprise that incorporating self-care can be challenging at first. But motherhood also offers countless beautiful moments where practicing mindfulness feels natural and rewarding. Think about those times when you’re mesmerised by your child’s sleeping face or savour the warmth of their hug—these are perfect mindfulness moments.

There’s a certain irony in adding a new technique to our already busy lives to simplify them. But mindfulness has been proven to create a calmer mind and reduce stress, positively impacting everything you do.

Here are some ideas for mindful self-care. Start with just one, see how it makes you feel, and go from there:

  • Long Walks in Nature: Clear your mind, move your body, and reconnect with yourself. It’s also a great opportunity for quality family time.

  • Take a Bath: Add Epsom salts and essential oils to nourish your muscles, and read a great novel to nourish your soul.

  • Foot Massage: A perfect way to unwind at the end of the day before bed.

  • Yoga Stretches: Get out of your head (and stress) and into your body and relaxation.

  • Legs Up the Wall: Especially good for those on their feet all day; it also boosts the immune system.

  • Pack a Healthy Lunch: Avoid the pitfall of eating low-quality food just because it’s convenient.

  • Meditate: Even 5 minutes can reboot your energy levels and give your mind a break.

  • Listen to a Yoga Nidra: Improve sleep, clarity of mind, or simply take a break. Just 15 minutes can be as refreshing as an hour of sleep.

  • Massage: Whether professionally or self-administered, it improves circulation, relieves muscle tension, boosts mood, and helps you tune into your body’s needs.

  • Gratitude Journaling: One of my favourite practices is writing in my gratitude journal before bed. It helps me cultivate appreciation for my life and relaxes me for a more restful sleep.

Pick one of these tips to start, and over time, they’ll become a habit—an integral part of you, like breathing. What’s one of your favourite self-care practices?


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