The 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan cleans your body from the inside out and replenishes it with delicious, nutritious whole foods that will get you back to your vibrant, sexy self with your mojo in flow.
When was the last time you felt good? felt really comfortable in your body?
Have you been indulging in some old bad habits like sugar, processed foods, and alcohol?
Did C-Rona life cause you to feel stress and overwhelm?
Is Netflix and your couch your new best friend?
Are your clothes starting to feel a bit tight? Do you feel tired, achy, sluggish and just BLAH?
I wouldn’t blame you if you said YES to all of these questions!!
It’s only when you finally get a moment to look up from the intense early years of motherhood, that you notice just how much you've changed.
The kilos that have crept on and a metabolism that has ground to a halt.
A bloated belly and a gut that has become sensitive to everything.
Dull, sagging skin that makes you look older than your years.
Totally zapped of energy and so brain dead at the end of the day that you
Can’t get motivated to do any of the things that are important to you anymore.
And all the things you used to rely on in the past to lose weight, get fit and feel great no longer work.
That’s because your body has changed.
Think about the stress your body has been under every day since you became a mum.
The chronic lack of sleep; the daily juggle; the mental load; the neglected self-care; poor diet; crazy hormones; and let’s not forget that we are all a few years older.
All these have changed our bodies on a cellular level.
But don’t let that fool you into thinking it is permanent – that you’re never going to be able to shift the weight or feel vibrant and sexy again with that mojo GLOW.
All you need to do is clear out the garbage and hit the reboot button!
With the Covid years putting our bodies under considerable stress, there’s never been a better time to reboot your health and get your sexy body back.
When you join Living Mojo’s program you have my undivided support, love, advice, and guidance. I’m passionate about all women living healthy and happy lives, and I believe that each and everyone of you deserve this.
My programs deliver results because I have done the study and research into what truly shifts weight for women.
I understand that it is a whole food, anti-inflammatory diet combined with specific detox and self-love practices. This combination is the golden ticket, not only to weight loss but to sustainable and long lasting results.
Do you want a sexy summer body?
Do you want to feel vibrant and glowing? SEXY??!

You deserve to feel amazing!
Sometimes mums are so used to feeling not so great they think it is normal or there is nothing they can do about it.
No matter how you feel, you have the power to change your life. And the good news is that it doesn’t take long before you start to see huge improvements - you’ll be amazed at the change you will see in 28 days.
“Every day, I help women turn their health around and get their mojo flowing in the process, enabling them to actually live the life they want to. ”
My program is suitable for even the busiest of women and mums. With step-by-step instructions, shopping lists and weekly meal plans packed full of tasty and nutritious recipes, it is simple to follow and easy to fit into your life.
You just show up, follow along, and let the program do the rest!
Ready to start feeling your best self?
Get your mojo back with my 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan!
Are you feeling sluggish, flat and frumpy? Shrug it off and get your mojo back with my 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan.
Stress, toxins and poor nutrition can cause stubborn weight gain, zap our energy and even lead to inflammation and chronic illness.
The key to getting a summer-ready body with that incredible MOJO glow is to cleanse the body of this toxic build up and replenish it with high quality nutrition.
My Living Mojo 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan does exactly this. Using simple detox steps and incredible nutrition in 60+ sensational summer recipes, it gives your body a thorough clean up and floods it with nutrients.
At the end of the 28 days you will feeling leaner, vibrant and sexy again with your mojo in flow!

Introducing the 28 Day Summer Body meal plan
Who is this program for?
My 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan has been designed with maxed out mums in mind who want to lose weight and boost their health and vitality. It is suitable for all women at any stage of life too.
It can specifically help if you are suffering from any of the following:
Weight gain or difficulty losing weight.
Sluggish, bloated or puffy.
Tired in the middle of the day.
Low energy or fatigue.
Brain fog or poor memory.
Reflux, indigestion and other digestive issues.
Trouble sleeping.
Inflammation and related disorders
Skin issues that won’t go away.
What can I expect at the end of the 28 days?
At the successful completion of the 28 day program you will:
Feel amazing and totally re-energised.
Lose excess body fat and and enjoy a leaner, trimmer body
Have clearer, younger looking skin.
Have improved digestion and less belly bloat.
Be calmer and have great clarity.
Enjoy more restful sleep.
See improvement in allergic symptoms.
What you get:
Exclusive access to a membership portal hosting all the content for easy access and learning.
Pre-program guidelines to lay the groundwork for success.
A plan of what to eat each day, including delicious meals and snacks. (No starving on this program!).
Recipes for all meals, smoothies and juices listed in the meal plan.
Weekly shopping lists to make life that little bit easier.
Coaching, meal prepping and planning advice to help you stay on track with the diet.
Tips on how to reintroduce foods and sustain healthy changes.
Simple daily tips and practices to cleanse your body and support weight loss.
Emails, videos, and text messages with content to instruct you and support your program.
Online support via email and a Private Facebook Group from our coaches and community of supportive, like-minded women.
Discount access to coaching, nutrition, EFT, NLP, Hypnosis, Matrix Reimprinting, and NLP services.

About Amy Down
I am a Certified Nutrition, Health and Life Coach, and Master Practitioner in Hypnosis, NLP, Time Line Therapy®️, and EFT (tapping). In 2014 I founded health and wellness hub Mummy Mojo, now Living Mojo, and I’ve worked with thousands of women to help them find health, balance and happiness through private coaching, online programs, courses, and workshops.
I am a seasoned educator in body, mind, philosophy, and healthy detoxed living. I feel strongly, as an echo of my own healing journey, that no one should suffer. Experience with some of life’s more serious health threats including; chronic fatigue, mould toxicity, and PTSD, has deepened my understanding of how a comprehensive, holistic health and wellness practice can help to heal and overcome these challenges.
28-Day Summer Body - Frequently Asked Questions
What is the 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan?
The 28-Day health and weight loss program that has been designed especially for busy mums. The program helps to spring clean the body, replenish nutrient deficiencies, balance hormones, get your metabolism firing and activate your whole system. With family-friendly recipes, customisable meal plans, weekly shopping lists, and daily coaching support, it is everything a busy mum needs to lose weight and feel revitalised.
Why is the 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan different to other diets?
They key to successful, sustainable weight loss is getting your body working for you at optimum efficiency. Inflammation and toxins in the body impede this. The 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan works by reducing inflammation and toxins in the body, and flooding it with nutrients that get your whole system activated and your metabolism firing.
The Living Mojo 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan uses a whole food, anti-inflammatory diet that nourishes your entire body, leaving you feeling satisfied, energised and revitalised, instead of hungry, craving and tired. It is this, combined with specific detox and self-love practices, that is the golden ticket, not only to weight loss but to sustainable and long-lasting results.
Why should I do the 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan?
Because it works in 28 days! My meal plans are balanced and highly nutritious. I help you clean out the garbage clogging up your system and reduce inflammatory foods that work against your efforts to lose weight, and nourish you with fresh, whole foods that help you feel fuller for longer, balance your hormones, get your metabolism firing and see results quickly.
Why 28 Days?
I have chosen 28 days for this program as I believe that 4 weeks is the perfect amount of time to wean off bad foods, drop some bad habits, and loose a good amount of weight. You will spend the first five days weaning off and then eliminating inflammatory and processed foods, alcohol and coffee, and slowly introducing a healthy whole-food, mostly plant-based diet.
For 3 weeks you will eat low calorie and delicious recipes from my 28-Day meal plan, and you will spend your last couple of days on a maintenance diet that you can then continue on with to maintain your new summer body. I believe it’s a winning formula to support your weight loss goals far into the future, and it is the ideal program to get back to feeling confident, sexy and gorgeous.
What can my program help with?
The 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan can help anyone suffering who is suffering from:
Stubborn weight gain or difficulty losing weight
Sluggish, bloated or puffy
Tired in the middle of the day
Low energy or fatigue
Brain fog or poor memory
Reflux, indigestion and other digestive issues
Trouble sleeping
Inflammation and related disorders
Skin issues that won’t go away.
What are some of the benefits I can expect?
If you follow the program for 28 days you can expect to:
Feel amazing and totally re-energised
Lose excess body fat and and enjoy a leaner, trimmer body
Have clearer, younger looking skin
Have improved digestion and less belly bloat
Be calmer and have great clarity
Enjoy more restful sleep
See improvement in allergic symptoms
Who is the program suitable for?
My program is suitable for even the busiest of mums and women. With step-by-step instructions, meal prepping and planning advice, shopping lists and weekly meal plans packed full of 65+sensational summer recipes, it is simple to follow and easy to fit into your life. You just show up, follow along, and let the program do the rest!
When does it start?
The 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan group kicks off in February every year, after the Australian summer holidays.
What if I want to do it at a different time?
If the timing of the program does not suit, or you live in another part of the world when summer is at a different time of year, you will be able to sign up anytime for a self-guided version of my 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan.
What’s the benefit of a group program?
You will get daily support and coaching from Amy Down, a qualified coach, via emails, text message and in a private Facebook group, as well as a live coaching masterclass. This is a wonderful, cost-effective way to experience the benefits of working with a nutritionist and health coach. Plus, the private Facebook group is a wonderful community of like-minded mums and women who will cheer you on with lots of motivation and support.
Can you tell me more about the meal plans?
All of the recipes in the 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan are designed to teach you how to cook detoxifying, nutritious meals from scratch using fresh, whole foods. You will learn to “eat the rainbow”. Although there are some meat and fish recipes in the meal plans, it is predominantly a plant-based diet. If you want to stick to a plant-based diet throughout the 28 days that is absolutely possible as we provide vegetarian and vegan options throughout. As each person is on their own individual journey on this program, many of the breakfast and lunch recipes are for one or two, along with family-friendly meals in the evening. It is a great way to get your kids to enjoy eating more fresh, whole foods.
What do I get when I sign up?
Once you have signed up to the program, here’s what you will get:
A plan of what to eat each day, including delicious meals and snacks. (No starving on this program!).
Pre-program guidelines to lay the groundwork for success
Recipes for all meals, smoothies and juices listed in the meal plan.
Weekly shopping lists to make life that little bit easier.
Meal prepping and planning advice to help you stay on track with the diet.
Tips on how to reintroduce foods and sustain healthy changes.
Simple daily tips and practices to cleanse your body and support weight loss.
Emails, videos, and text messages with content to instruct you and support your program.
Live detox and weight loss masterclass with a nutritionist and health coach.
Online support via email and a Private Facebook Group from our coaches and community of supportive, like-minded women.
Discount access to coaching, nutrition, hypnosis, and clinic facilities if you are local (discounts off Zoom coaching if you are not Sydney based).
How is the 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan different to the 30 Day Mojo Detox?
The 30-Day Mojo Detox is a holistic lifestyle detox for the body, the mind, and the home. Although the meal plans and recipes in the 30-Day Detox support weight loss they are more focused on providing a whole body detox. There is an in-depth focus on tips, tools and strategies to detox your home, your environment, your relationships, and your emotions.
The 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan focuses predominantly on food and simple daily practices to help you spring clean your body, get your whole system activated, and get your metabolism firing. The meal plans are lower in calories, and also provide support and advice on how to wean off high calorie, high inflammatory foods, and maintenance tips on how you can achieve sustainable results.
Previous Participants
“I loved the recipes and found them easy to make - this way of eating was delicious!!” I have more energy, less cravings, and I am feeling amazing! Thanks Amy and Living Mojo!”
“The smoothie recipes were amazing, and the main meals were delicious. I lost so much weight, my skin improved, my hair became so much healthier. I am now sticking to a diet such as this as much as I can. I can really see the results and I no longer suffer from sinus issues too!”
“Amy has guided and inspired me to take on some really healthy habits that I am committed to continuing with. I have also now got a great stack of recipes and snack options to help me continue to be and feel healthy!”
– LOUISE, 40
“I was exercising more regularly and with Amy’s constant support I was able to make changes in my life that improved my health! I do her detox programs once or twice a year for maintenance, and it makes such a difference to my overall health and weight!”
– MARIA, 35
“I cannot recommend this detox highly enough! I learnt so much, and I took on some new healthy habits. I also thought that it was incredible value! Amy is such an experienced nutritionist with a wealth of knowledge and a passion for helping women get their mojo back. I certainly got mine back!”
– PHUONG, 47
“The Mummy Mojo 30-Day detox program was easy to follow and more importantly I felt connected and very supported by Amy and her team. I couldn’t recommend it highly enough!”
– NEROLI, 46

Program Outline
Your value-packed 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan includes:
Preparation & Planning
Guidelines & Principles to set you up for success
Rules of Engagement
Pre-Program Worksheet
Program Journal
Goals & measurements
Meal prepping and planning
Foods to enjoy, foods to avoid - no calorie counting!
How to wean off inflammatory food and drinks.
Weight Loss Friendly Food & Drink
Weekly meal planners to help you get prepared and plan your week
Comprehensive recipe booklet containing every delicious summer recipe in the meal plans
Weekly shopping lists to save you time and make your life easier
Smart Shopping Guide
Washing and scrubbing your fruit and veggies
Organic foods and The Dirty Dozen
The most important supplements to support your transformation
The power of green juicing
The importance of hydration
Dealing with cravings.
Simple strategies to support weight loss and cleansing
Strategies to support your digestive, lymphatic and elimination systems
Exercise for muscle building and weight loss
Low-tox personal care and simple daily practices to support your skin
Minimising the impact of stress on your health and weightless efforts
An introduction to intermittent fasting
The benefits of essential oils for weight loss and emotional health
Getting better sleep.
Coaching, support and maintenance
Exclusive access to a membership portal hosting all the content for easy access and learning.
Emails, videos, text messages and Private Facebook Group with content and live coaching to instruct you and support throughout the program
The support of an incredible group of like-minded mums to share experiences, motivation and encouragement
Maintenance diet and how to reintroduce foods
Key takeouts and tips to continue with your new healthy diet and lifestyle
Journal - review and reflection
BONUS - additional content, recipes, and exclusive offers
ADDITIONAL BONUS - LIVE coaching masterclass with tips and tricks for weight loss and detoxing.
Sound good? The 28-Day Summer Body Program will be everything you need to lose weight, feel great and get your summer mojo flowing.
Got a question?
If you have any questions please email me at amy@livingmojo.com.au