The Living Mojo 7 Day Mindfulness Program
“It’s time for you to feel less anxious and overwhelmed, and instead feel more calm, balanced, and relaxed.”
If you are feeling anxious and overwhelmed about all that’s happening in the world right now, you are not alone.
Everyone on this planet has been affected by the C-Rona pandemic, with changes to our lives and to our freedom, finances, career, home-life and state of mind.
What is most worrying too many of us is that it is not something we can control. What we can control, however, is our perception and our mindset.
My purpose has always been to help and inspire mums to lead a more mindful, mojo-filled life, and during this crisis we want to be here for any mums who could use a little extra support.
I appreciate that Mindfulness won't change any of your circumstances. You may still be facing the same health, financial and living scenarios.
But here's what it will do. It will help you cope, by managing your perception of, and response to, all these challenges we are currently facing.
I feel truly blessed to be able to support you at this time in feeling a little less anxious and more at peace.
During these 7 days you will have a chance to be still, observe your emotions, surrender in the moment, accept your feelings, and embrace positivity in the NOW.
Are you finding the juggle of your work, kids, housework, coupled with COVID changes overwhelming?
Are you comparing yourself to other mums and feel that you aren’t doing a good enough job?
Do you shout at your kids over something small because it is “the last straw”?
Are you laying awake at night going over all the things you have to do the next day, or berating yourself for something that happened earlier?
If you answered yes to any of the above, you are not alone. Experiencing a range of emotions like anxiety, stress, sadness and anger is normal for many of us right now in these days of uncertainty.
Feeling anxious, stressed, vague or down on yourself are all common feelings for a mum who is maxed out with too much on her plate, trying to keep all the balls in the air. My 7 Day Mindful Course can help you.
Mindfulness can help you manage all these things and bring more balance into your life…
To be in the moment, and give your whole heart and attention to what’s right in front of you.
To remain calm, in control and patient when you want to scream and shout.
To gain perspective and don’t sweat the small stuff.
To find joy and meaning in the mundane of ordinary life.
To live less reactively and more consciously.
To be more compassionate - to yourself and others.
To accept and let go of what we cannot change.
To overcome fear and anxiety that is holding you back from living your best life.
To live your life on your own terms, without being caught up in what everyone else is doing.
It is no exaggeration to say that Mindfulness can shift your perceptions and totally change how you experience life.
“Thank you for the invite to participate in the 7 Day Mindfulness course. It has been a revealing experience in that it has made me stop and consider how I have been going about my day to day life.
It has made me slow down and take the time to appreciate what is around me, which has in turn has led to a release of anxiousness. I never realised how anxious I can be at times and how this state of emotion fills up my mind with a list of things I am constantly running around trying to tick off, or to do better, or to worry about things totally beyond my control, or making a mountain out of a mole hill. Gosh what I worry about sometimes!
I have been good at bringing my daily beach walk into the moment and in doing so I walk away thinking what a blessed experience. I have also done a daily meditation and as a plus I now do deep listening.
My senses are now significantly more alert. It is just as you say, practice making the mindfulness part of my everyday experience. I don’t want to fall back into the trap of being constantly agitated about things. When I get like that I love the mantra.....bring it back to the breath, receive and let it go.
learn to live more mindfully with the 7 Day Mindfulness experience
Mindfulness is a powerful tool for managing stress and finding joy in life. And although this is true for everyone, mums particularly can benefit greatly from living more mindfully.
Given that a lot of mothering is done in automatic pilot mode, when we are literally multi-tasking the day away, living more mindfully can really help mums get on top of negative thought patterns, to lead less complicated and more fulfilling lives.
The busy juggle that is a mum’s life seems to be incompatible with living mindfully, yet mums are among those who need it the most! Unfortunately it is seen as something else to fit into an already busy schedule, something else to be added to the To Do list.
That's why I created the 7 Day Mindfulness Experience specifically with the multi-tasking mum in mind. To demonstrate how achievable it is for even the busiest mums to live more mindfully.
With rich content, videos, worksheets and printable guides delivered via email, and easily actionable tips and tasks delivered via daily text messages, the 7 Day Experience will equip you with a range of both formal and informal mindfulness techniques and practical ways that you can apply to your everyday life.
during the 7 days…
You will learn the basic principles of mindfulness, how it works, and why it is so important to learn how to live mindfully.
You will release negative emotions and help change your mindset with effective self-care techniques like meditation and tapping (EFT).
You will experience a variety of formal and informal mindfulness practices, and get clear on which ones are going to work for you and your family.
You will learn how to switch off the anxious mummy mind-chatter and discover ways to reduce stress simply and quickly, whatever the situation, so you feel more calm, patient and at peace.
You will discover simple, practical ways to be kinder to yourself and more compassionate with others, even when they make it hard.
You will establish a gratitude practice that will help you appreciate the joy of life, with all its ups and downs, living on your own terms and setting you free from being overly caught up in what everyone else is doing.
Once you start practicing mindfulness, you’ll discover that you can apply it to every part of your life.
“This mindfulness experience provided simple but meaningful and easy-to-apply techniques/tools for busy mums, plus the option to dig deeper with the additional information supplies, e.g. on tapping. I loved it!!”
– Annabel Selby-Jone, 46
“Your mindfulness experience was fantastic. It helped me through some rough spots with my anaphylaxis and I have now incorporated yoga into my weekly schedule on your advice about doing more mindful practices. Thank you Mummy Mojo :-)”
– Brigitte Bond, 47
“I think you ladies are onto something really fabulous!! I loved everything about it! It has had a really significant impact on making me feel calmer - and that's really saying something for a stress head like me!! This is just in a nutshell - but I really think you can make a real difference in a very simplistic way which would connect with most women!'“
– Rachel Muller
"I liked that the exercises were simple and quick as it meant I could actually do them. I liked having the exercises texted to me the night beforehand."
- Olivia Harvey
"I really liked the tips and techniques that were shared. I was hopeless at sharing pictures but I did the activities. I also wrote out all the ideas on post-it-notes and put them places I would be reminded.”
Thank you so much! I really think in this crazy hectic world it's things like this that are going to keep up grounded. I will keep my post it notes and continue to try and embed into everyday life. Mojo-mums rock!"
-Jacque Bailey
join the 7 day mindfulness experience and receive:
Guides, videos, and features containing a variety of both formal and informal mindfulness activities.
Printables for journalling and reflection.
Quick and easy daily mindful practices and reminders delivered by text message, perfect for busy mums.
Access and links to our favourite articles, podcasts, and videos.
Connection with other mums and daily support and inspiration in our Facebook Group.
Discounts on EFT, coaching, nutrition and our other programs.
Are you ready to change your life?
The 7 Day Mindfulness Experience - including the guide of mindfulness principles, mindfulness activities, mindful text messages, worksheets and closed Facebook Group is worth $59 value.
To support all mums during this time, we are offering it for $19! I’m offering a $40 saving to help you get started on your mindfulness journey, and to becoming a happier, less stressed mum.
That’s a comprehensive mindfulness program for $19 that helps you to feel calmer and shifts your perceptions so you can lead a more peaceful, happy life.
Please note: Because this product is delivered digitally, purchases are non-refundable
Got a question?
If you have any questions please email us at amy@mummy-mojo.com.au