Emotional Freedom Technique
Living Mojo Tapping
EFT, Tapping
Are you one of those people walking around with emotions and thoughts that are keeping you from feeling peaceful, from feeling successful, from feeling like life is fun and enjoyable?
Feelings of anxiety, of overwhelm, fatigue, and intense responsibility have become par for the course in modern life.
"This is just the way life is," we tell ourselves. "It's hurried, it's busy, there's one thing after another, there’s so much on my plate that I’m finding it hard to breathe."
We have developed patterns, ways of being and thinking, that simply do not serve us and are not sustainable. These patterns are why we walk around feeling stressed, anxious, and uncomfortable. They're a large part of why we have trouble sleeping and why we can't drop the weight we want to.
They're why we feel like there's too much to do, like the stress will never end, and we can't be present in the moment or enjoy our lives.
The good news: There is a way to change these patterns and let go of your stress and anxiety, process your negative emotions, and stop repeating negative patterns.
The answer is EFT Tapping.
What is EFT Tapping?
Tapping, also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), is a powerful holistic healing technique that has been proven to effectively resolve a range of issues, including stress, anxiety, chronic pain, addiction, weight control, and limiting beliefs, just to name a few.
Tapping therapy is based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. Tapping uses the same meridians used in traditional acupuncture to treat emotional and physical ailments for over 5,000 years.
Tapping on the energy meridians, while voicing how you feel (negative emotions and/or physical sensations), helps to clear emotional blocks, calm down the nervous system, and restore the body’s balance of energy.
Living Mojo - Taking Care of You
EFT Tapping is a natural way to help people (including kids) with everything from fears, restless sleep, and mood swings to the symptoms of anxiety, ADHD, and autism. Tapping on the meridian endpoints helps to stimulate the bodily system, and when verbally addressing the root causes of distress, the areas of blocked energy are able to release and flow naturally.
EFT Tapping may also help with:
seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
sensory processing disorder (SPD)
managing acute or chronic pain
hormone balancing
pain conditions like fibromyalgia
establishing new habits
releasing trauma from the body
increasing feelings of well-being
food cravings.
The Benefits of Tapping
Introduction to a simple tapping sequence
If you’re new to tapping and trying to picture what this actually looks like, this video of me (Amy) and my daughter Ava is an example of what tapping might look like for a mom who is trying to find a sense of calm and peace in her family’s life.
How can I help you?
What can you expect in your transformational EFT and Matrix Reimprinting session with qualified practitioner Amy Down?
Let go of negative thought patterns, fears, and beliefs that are holding you back from living a mojo-filled life.
Build a positive relationship with your body so that your confidence shines through.
Uncover the secret to true happiness and getting your mojo back.
Release pain, discomfort, limiting beliefs, and negative thought patterns from the body and begin to return you to a state of inner peace and aliveness.
Become more present, experience peace, contentment, and ease, all of which are your natural state of being.
Let go of negative thought patterns, fears, and beliefs that are holding you back from living a mojo-filled life.
Description text goes hereUncover the secret to true happiness and getting your mojo back.
Release pain, discomfort, limiting beliefs, and negative thought patterns from the body and begin to return you to a state of inner peace and aliveness.
Become more present, experience peace, contentment, and ease, all of which are your natural state of being.
AAMET/EFT International certified practitioner. They are the premier worldwide EFT association for EFT training and practitioner certification.