Detox your body with a Therapeutic Ionic Foot Spa
Living Mojo Detox Ionic Foot Spa
Ki Science Advanced Hydrogen Detox Foot Spa
Key Features
Product with FDA and CE certification
Multi Level Detox Solution – Ionic footbath + negative hydrogen
Negative hydrogen ions for balancing / alkalising the bodies PH Level
Far Infrared Belt – Promotes the 4th stage of water in your body for healing and detox.
Liver detoxification
Purges heavy metals
Increases Energy and Reduces Stress
Internal Cleansing with a Full Body Purge
Improves Memory and Sleep
Liver, Kidneys and Parasite Cleanse
Wrinkles, Acne and other Skin problems
Enhances Immune System
Assists with Arthritis Aches and Rheumatoid
Blood Circulation
Drainage of Lymph System and Swollen Glands
Menopause Symptoms, Menstrual Cramps and Menstrual Irregularity
Weight Control (improved metabolism).
What is an Ionic Foot Spa?
The primary benefit of an ionic detox footbath is that it enhances the body's own natural detoxification abilities. This allows the body to remove heavy metals and other toxic elements from the body more efficiently. Assisting the body's natural detoxification process results in: A stronger immune system.