Ionic Detox Footbaths

The primary benefit of an ionic detox footbath is that it enhances the body's own natural detoxification abilities. This allows the body to remove heavy metals and other toxic elements from the body more efficiently. Assisting the body's natural detoxification process results in: A stronger immune system.

Ionic Detox Footbaths Ionic Foot baths are an evidenced based therapeutic method of detoxifying the body, and they work through the method of electrolysis, which is a direct electoral current to create a chemical reaction. In the chemical reaction an ion either loses or gains an electron. Salt is added to the water to provide conductivity. Ions in the water pull out oppositely charged toxins from the body. Toxins can come out through the pores in the feet. The ions can also help draw toxins out of the body through urine, stool and sweat. Our body is made up of mostly water and electrolytes so the ionic charges will travel through the body. The current going through the body helps the body detoxify. The positive and negative charges can also increase energy and cell movement in the body. Our bodies run on frequencies, informational input and energy.

The best frequencies to promote detoxification put the body into the parasympathetic state. The parasympathetic state is needed for resting and digesting. Bodies can’t rest, calm down or digest properly when they are stuck in the sympathetic phase. The footbath machine that I use has dual polarity which means it alternates positive and negative charges. The positive and negative charges attract toxins of the opposite charge. When the machine gives off a positive charge it attracts negatively charged substances like Glyphosate, mold or endotoxins. When the machine gives off a negative charge it attracts positively charged substances like heavy metals.

The footbath draws out these impurities in the body. Although color isn’t the determining factor for detoxification with the footbaths, a darker color change can indicate more detoxification. Those who have light colored water at the end of a treatment session could be having difficulty detoxifying. A lack of color change could mean the detox pathways are hindered. The footbath has been known to draw out yeast/candida which will show up through light colored bubbles and foam at the top of the water. Detoxification through the ionic footbath has been shown in studies to effectively detoxify chemicals, pesticides, parasites, and heavy metals.

According to Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D., studies show large increases of heavy metals in the urine days after a footbath treatment. Dr. Klinghardt reported on a study showing a very large excretion percentage rate of aluminum on day three of the ionic footbath treatment. Dr Klinghardt on how and why ionic detox footbaths work A direct current goes through one end of the array, through the water (which has salt added for conductivity), and back through the other end of the array. The current will break water into positively charged hydrogen ions (H+) and oxygen gas (O2), or negatively charged hydroxyl ions (OH-) and hydrogen gas (H2).

The main theory of how ionic footbaths work is that the ions in the water pull out oppositely charged toxins through the pores in the feet and into the tub of water. Your body is largely made out of water and electrolytes, and the current will travel through your body as well. Most of the detoxification happens internally, and this is why when urine is tested for days after a footbath session, large increases in heavy metals are found. It is the current itself that is responsible for the detoxification, not the ions in the tub. Nobody knows exactly what the current does inside the body to cause heavy metal detoxification, but I believe it likely has to do with the formation of exclusion zone (EZ) water. 2 EZ water is a kind of structured water that is inside your cells. It is basically made out of a lattice of OH- groups, while the rest of the bulk water has a higher concentration of H+ ions.

These happen to be the same ions that are produced in the tub by the array. In some way the current is helping to create more EZ water in the body. The reason that it is called exclusion zone water, is because it excludes all solutes, including toxins inside the cell. If the current from the machine is creating more EZ water, then it is pushing out toxins. The toxins have to go somewhere, and they end up being excreted in the urine. The quality of the machine used is also very important. Creating ions in a tub of water is not complicated; it can be done with a 9-volt battery and two copper wires connected to pieces of metal submerged in water. A $300 machine and a $2000 machine are going to create the same ions, but the difference is in the details.

The difference between the two is going to be the exact frequencies that are produced: the right frequency will put the body in a parasympathetic state, enhancing detoxification, while the wrong frequency will cause stress in the body, shutting down detoxification. Cheaper machines do not address this aspect, and this is why many people feel worse from using them instead of better. Research has shown that detoxification from using an ionic footbath is greatly increased when combined with a cilantro tincture taken orally (cilantro has its own metal detoxification properties) or chlorella tablets.


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