Living Mojo Health Coaching
Together, we will come up with a health and wellness plan that suits your needs, your life, and your dreams.
I believe that given half a chance the human body will heal itself by itself, when it is provided the right building blocks so you can bounce out of bed in the morning, sleep better, feel balanced, glow with confidence and love your life.
I am on a mission to help women who are living busy lives to take simple steps to be healthy. Whether it is to heal from an illness or to just live a long, healthy life, I feel strongly, as an echo of my own healing journey, that no one should have to suffer.
Experience with some of life’s more serious health threats including; chronic fatigue, mould toxicity, PTSD, and Lyme’s Disease, has deepened my understanding of how a comprehensive health and wellness practice (including; nutrition, detoxing, supplementation, hormone balancing, dealing with stress, exercise, self-love, and mindfulness) can help to heal and overcome these challenges.
I received my training as a Health and Nutrition Coach at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition’s (IIN) cutting-edge Health Coach Training Program in New York. I chose to study at IIN because of the schools’ up-to-date, unique and holistic approach to bio-individuality, health and mindfulness coaching, and nutrition.
During my training in 2014 - 2015 I studied over 120 dietary theories, the latest science in health, mindfulness and nutrition, practical lifestyle management techniques, and innovative coaching methods with some of the world’s top health and wellness experts. These have included; Gabrielle Bernstein (Spirit junkie), Deepak Chopra, David Wolfe (raw food guru), Donna Gates, (The Body Ecology Diet), Mark Sisson (Primal Blueprint), and many other leading innovative leaders in nutrition and health.
Prior to this, I worked at Blackmores (natural healthcare company) for 12 years and during that time studied a variety of modules at Nature Care Colleague including; nutritional therapy, Ayurvedic principles, and aromatherapy.
Do you feel bloated, tired, irritable and sick of going round and round in circles?
Are you frustrated and confused, as you try to work out what you should be eating to get a different result?
Do you have negative thought patterns, fears, and beliefs that are holding you back from living a mojo-filled life?
Are you a ‘Rushing mum’ drowning under your to-do list and in danger of burnout?
Having personally recovered from a serious chronic illness and high-level stress, I know a thing or two about achieving balance in life, where my mojo is in full flow.
I was once a mum who was feeling overwhelmed, sluggish, and exhausted at the end of every day. I was so busy making sure everyone else around me was well looked after that I forgot about myself. My needs, my desires, my health, my happiness, my mojo....
Realising that it was not only okay, but essential that I took care of ME, I was able to transform my life for the better, and I want that for all of YOU mums out there too!!!
Does this sound like you?
Do you feel uncomfortable in your body after having kids, and find it difficult to shift the weight? You know you need to prioritise your health and fitness to make it happen, but excuses seem to always get in the way.
Do you feel stressed, fatigued and overwhelmed from the juggle - work, hobbies, and trying to keep your family life organised? Do you desperately want to get through the day without feeling exhausted by all there is to do on your task list?
Do you have unhealthy habits and negative patterns of behaviour like yo-yo dieting and emotional eating, that you are ready to break free from?
Do you find there isn’t enough time to focus on yourself and your own health? Are you the last on your list of priorities?
Would you like to be fit and healthy like before you had kids?
Would you like to feel sexy and comfortable in your own body?
Would you like to wake up each day feeling joyful and aligned with your life’s true purpose?
What would you like instead? Living Mojo Health Coaching can give you the tools to take back control of your own health, weight, and happiness, where you feel empowered to live your best, mojo-filled life.