Tools to heal negative emotions

Along my healing journey, I have uncovered that while it's crucial to determine the physical root causes, the emotional parts of your journey often need just as much (if not more) attention. I have realised that to achieve long-lasting healing, you must face your emotional pain too.

When you're chronically ill you can be stuck in "fight or flight" mode or sympathetic dominance, and no matter what you do, you can't seem to fully recover.

Part of the reason, is that you have emotional traumas from your past that need processing before you can reach your next level of health.

Dr. Bradley Nelson, a renowned holistic doctor and lecturer who features in a documentary, “E-Motion”, that explores how our emotions affect the physical body – says that “90% of the pain the body feels is due to trapped emotions”.

Have you ever wondered why familiar negative feelings keep resurfacing, regardless of the situation? Or why history often repeats itself when it comes to relationship dramas or chronic illnesses’?

The cause of these negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system, which has likely been manifested through a trauma or bad life experience. All of which hold you back from living your healthiest, most mojo-filled life.

My experience of coaching women who want a more mojo-filled life, tells me that we can only go so far without including movement and subconscious therapies to release pent up negative emotions and trauma.

Unless you address the feeling of “not being smart/pretty/good/intelligent/interesting…enough”, you cannot truly heal.

Using strategies like Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT/tapping), Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy, Breathwork, and Matrix Reimprinting, helps you to address the root cause of your emotional wounds, identify the source of your emotional pan, and practice self-love and self-care instead.

For example, the process of tapping disrupts the physiological stress response by sending calming signals to the amygdala, responsible for the fight or flight response. EFT allows both the body and brain to release negative emotions and thoughts, clearing trauma and thus clearing limiting beliefs.

Matrix Reimprinting is an energy psychology technique that provides an opportunity to go deeper into your subconscious and make some transformational shifts.

Some of these emotional blockages reach back through the generations, and utilising Time Line Therapy, can help accelerate the healing of the physical and emotional body.

Other emotional release tools I would recommend, all of which are free, include; daily gratitude journaling, walking in nature, meditating, yoga, and having a good, deep belly laugh!

We often let past failures and fears define our present decisions, thus preventing us from reaching our fullest potential.

For true emotional healing, you have to be willing to go on the journey, which is transformative, but tough. The truth can be a tough pill to swallow, however writing a new chapter in your book of life, can be exciting and empowering.

By dropping your past baggage and attachments, you can stop being a prisoner of your past and become an architect of your future.

As a certified coach and practitioner, I am passionate about helping mums fill up their mojo cup, and find what lights’ them up for a healthy, happy life.

If you are running on empty and feel like you have lost your identity, email, and book a complimentary 30 minute discovery coaching call to uncover what may be blocking you from being the best version of you.


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