How to change unhealthy habits that aren't serving you anymore
Do you want to change some habits that aren't serving you anymore, but you're not sure how to do it?
Just by taking a first step, any small step, you will have enacted change, and be on your way to getting healthy and losing weight.

Ready to say good riddance to 2020?
It seems like the entire planet is eager to welcome the arrival of 2021 and slam the door shut on a year that most would rather forget.
It's hardly surprising. While there may still be a long road ahead, and life might never be quite the same again, a new year provides an opportunity to put the past behind us. It presents a clean slate from which to dream big and manifest the life we want for the future.

Serial Entrepreneur Amber Chapman on her passion for business, the power of play and the importance of me time
Amber Chapman, Northern Beaches mum of two and founder of ParentHood360, is the brains behind the Hood Creche, an hourly child-minding service at Stockland Shopping Centre, Balgowlah. With the service recently expanding to include a mobile creche and childminding service, themed events and birthday parties, Amber certainly has a lot on her plate. In this week’s Mojo Maker, she shares with us her secrets for keeping all the balls in the air, whilst keeping her sanity and her mojo flowing,

5 Practical Ways to Declutter and Enjoy Living With Less
There are many benefits of living with less. Most of us are living with too much stuff in our homes, which causes extra work and stress, and takes our time and attention away from the more important things in life. If you want less stress and more space but don’t know where to begin, try these 5 practical ways to declutter, and start enjoying the benefits of living with less.

Bitten by ticks and my life was never the same again
At the end of 2010 I was bitten by a large number of grass ticks and my life was never the same again. This encounter with these tiny creatures that gave me a bacterial infection, one that the government says doesn’t exist here, changed everything. I went from being a healthy, energetic person to not being able to get out of bed for weeks at a time because of debilitating symptoms of fatigue, muscle pain, brain fog, tinnitus, insomnia, and IBS to name but some of them.

It's a new year and new decade, what do you want in 2020?
It’s a new year and a new decade.
Did you leave 2019 and the festive season feeling a bit flat, moody, fatigued, unmotivated, and without mojo? What do you want in 2020?

Mummy Mojo's 5 Steps to a Cracking Christmas
We're already almost have way through December, and the countdown to Christmas is well and truly on.
Whether this leaves you in a state of excitement or a state of panic, there’s no denying mums have a lot to do when it comes to the Christmas holiday season.
A lot of the responsibility for shopping, wrapping, cleaning, cooking, decorating and entertaining falls on our shoulders, and we feel a lot of pressure to deliver an amazing Christmas for the kids. All mums need are 5 steps to a cracking Christmas!

BUF Girl Cathy Morton on following your passion, getting out of a fitness rut, and adapting your exercise routine when you hit 40.
If you have health and fitness goals, then you’ll love this week’s Mojo Maker with BUF Girl Cathy Morton. Cathy is the owner of BUF Girls in Manly, plus the newly launched location of Balmoral, which is a fun, social and supportive women’s only fitness group.

Kinesiologist De-Anne Joseph's secrets for keeping her mojo flowing
It is that time of year where many of us are setting New Year's resolutions and making the commitment to be healthier and happier in 2017.

Social entrepreneur Kathy Wong is on a mission to make a difference for children living in extreme poverty
This week's Mojo Maker is about an incredible woman called Kathy Wong, founder of social enterprise Moeloco, which is positively impacting the lives of children living in poverty.

7 Steps to Getting Your Mojo Back
With two children under five, I was working full-time, managing the house hold, studying nutrition and health coaching, and hosting regular social events - dinner parties, committee meetings, book club, etc...

Mojo Maker Interview - Talented nicolangela designer shares her secrets for a mojo filled life
This week’s Mojo Maker is all about Nicole Williams, a highly talented and creative designer of Women’s occasion wear. Nicole’s understanding of what flatters the female form is a gift she was born with, however the thing that really stands out is that she is as beautiful on the inside as on the outside. Loving, down-to-earth, and caring, across every area of her life. Her mojo cup is full!

Mummy Mojo's new career girl Kylie Butler talks health, career, and living an inspired life
Anyone who has seen Kylie Butler's Facebook page will agree she knows a thing or two about motivating and inspiring you to get the dream job! But what is most impressive about the Sydney-based founder of Inspired Careers Coaching, besides her obvious beauty and go-getter attitude, is her passion for getting mums into top jobs by encouraging them to utilise their parenting skills - leadership, time management, and problem solving capabilities.

Positive thinking can change your mind
Do you have a train of thought on which you ride when you are alone and quietly thinking? I do... Lately, I have been spending more time on self-care, involving a mindfulness practice, meditation, and spending time by myself, just observing.

A New Year's Resolution Worth Making
Setting goals for ourselves is an essential step to a fulfilling life. Yet, New Year’s resolutions tend to have a bad rep. Why is this? From my previous experience they can have a sort of ceremonious way of setting us up for failure.

Teach your children the value of kindness by giving back this Christmas
All of us want to be happy. As his Holiness the Dalai Lama said, "A more compassionate mind, more sense of concern for other's well being, is the source of happiness." With the festive season soon upon us, which is often a time of material excess, I am thinking about what happiness means to me.