Ready to say good riddance to 2020?

It seems like the entire planet is eager to welcome the arrival of 2021 and slam the door shut on a year that most would rather forget.

It's hardly surprising. While there may still be a long road ahead, and life might never be quite the same again, a new year provides an opportunity to put the past behind us. It presents a clean slate from which to dream big and manifest the life we want for the future.

But before we turn our backs for good on this crazy year and plough headfirst into setting new year resolutions, it is a good idea to take a few moments to reflect on the past year.

Doing this exercise you will be able to create more meaningful intentions for 2021, ones that will guide you towards your dream life.

Reflection Exercise

First up - take a moment to appreciate HOW AMAZING YOU ARE!

This year has been tough physically and mentally, drawing on every bit of your strength, resilience and courage. You've navigated the challenges as best you could with the resources you had available.

Really, truly, well done.

If you look really carefully, you may even find that 2020 has changed you for the better, or taught you some valuable lessons.

If nothing else, this year will have given you a renewed appreciation for things you may often take for granted - your health, your home, your friends and relatives, your job, dining out, going to the movies...

To take this a bit further, here's a little exercise to help you reflect on the previous year. Just complete the sentences:

In 2020:

I saw...

I made...

I quit...

I thought...

I chose...

I stopped...

I started...

I learned...

I tried...

I didn't...

Now think about how you want next year to look/feel/be.

In 2021:

I want...

I won't...

I will...

I might...

I don't want...

I think...

I'll make...

I hope...

I'll be...

We hope this little exercise goes some way to help you appreciate where you've come from, and to map out the life you want moving forward.

Put your answers in the front of your journal or diary, somewhere that you can see them every day, and use them to set your intentions and shape new habits as you move forward into the new year.

For example;

  • if you want to be better able to deal with stress and adapt to difficult and changing circumstances, you could work on developing a mindfulness practice in 2021.

  • If you want to improve your health and boost your immunity, "eating the rainbow" daily will work wonders.

  • If you want to get fit and toned, joining a gym or fitness group will help you keep accountable.

Whatever it is, we at Mummy Mojo will be there to support you every step of the way. It’s our goal to inspire, encourage and empower you take the steps you need to to fill your mojo cup and live your best life, whatever comes your way.

On that note, we’d like to thank you for being part of our amazing Mummy Mojo community in 2020, and look forward to a mojo-filled 2021 with you.

With love and best wishes for the year ahead,

Mummy Mojo


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