Serial Entrepreneur Amber Chapman on her passion for business, the power of play and the importance of me time

Amber Chapman, Northern Beaches mum and founder of ParentHood360, is the brains behind the Hood Creche, an hourly child-minding service at Stockland Shopping Centre, Balgowlah.

The welcomed new initiative not only provides a fun and stimulating environment for little ones, it also gives mums (and dads!) some much needed me time.

I only wish it had been there when my kids were small!

With the service recently expanding to include a mobile creche and childminding service, themed events and birthday parties, Amber certainly has a lot on her plate.

In this week’s Mojo Maker, she shares with us her secrets for keeping all the balls in the air, whilst keeping her sanity and her mojo flowing.

What is the mantra you live and work by?

 ‘It’s better to light a candle then curse in the dark’

 I love this mantra. It reminds me not to dwell on life’s issues. Instead step in to the light and put confidence in your ability to find positive outcomes and solutions. You can do anything when you really put your mind to it!

What motivates and inspires you? What keeps your mojo flowing?

Cue corniness – my family. They motivate and inspire me to be the best version of myself.  

In terms of Mojo, I’m a serial entrepreneur and love the mechanics of building businesses, so anything business related keeps my mojo going. In fact, my party trick is being able to hear an idea and within a few minutes I can pop together a one pager on how to make it a reality. I have helped a number of friends with ideas to help their businesses. That is another passion of mine. (Gosh I sound geeky!).

You are a busy mum, partner and business owner. Talk us through a typical day in the life of Amber Chapman. 

 Is this the part where I talk about my balanced lifestyle, starting with a fabulously nutritious breakfast? Sorry it’s not the case here, being uber healthy is on my to-do list!  

 A typical morning is a 5.30am scream; ‘Mummy Wake Up’. So a big thanks to my lovely daughter, Aurora for that! If by a miracle she has slept in, then our cat Buddy takes her place with a big ‘Meow’! Hashtag - Can’t get no sleep in this household!

 Jokes aside, I’m more of a morning person so with a large coffee I crack on with getting work done, early doors. At work I wear a few hats - Chief of Marketing, Head of IT and Queen of Operations and that is all before the doors to our Hood Play Zone and childminding services open at 10am. 

 From 10am to 2pm it’s all about curating the best play experiences for our Little Hoodies. We get our arts and crafts on, making crowns and tiaras fit for our little princes and princesses. We have dance offs (gotta fit my exercise in somehow!) Plus stacks of drama play and adventure at our Hood Café, Hood Library, Ice Cream Stall, Medical Station, Supermarket and so much more. It’s great to have a creative outlet and makes a welcomed break from the many other hats worn throughout the day. Let’s face it how many other workplaces can you be a queen or a pirate for the day?

When the doors to The Hood close then it’s back to driving market awareness. As a parent it is so easy to walk the line on mental and emotional burn out. So for me, spreading the message that we’re not all superheros and that it’s ok to take a break to recharge the batteries is super important. 

What are the daily challenges you face and how do you manage stress?

The biggest challenge I have right now is there is only one of me! That’s where I really need the help of the parent community to spread the word and share the love about what Parenthood360 is trying to do to promote the mental health and well-being of parents. 

In terms of managing stress I do this by writing lists, both personal and business related and then ticking items off once done. As I am so time poor this keeps me in check. It allows me look back on the work I’ve done and fully appreciate how far I’ve come.  For example, last week I had some huge achievements like meeting the MP of Manly, and being featured in Time Out and Ellaslist. However, my biggest win was the personal note of thanks I received from a member of our parent community. It melted my heart just knowing our service enabled them to take some me-time and help them recharge.

So whenever I am in my heightened stress mode, I look at this note and it makes me remember that it’s all worth it.

What are three things you do daily to nourish your mind, body and spirit?

  1.  Write lists. Remembering the achievements or just the heap of stuff I have completed on my to-do’s, no matter how minor is a really positive experience.

  2. Practice mindfulness. We do a lot of arts and craft (habit of the job) and when at home I find it relaxing to lose myself in drawing or making jewellery (a hobby of mine)

  3. Play. Nothing is more nourishing to my spirit than taking time out with my family and entering a world of play and imagination, where anything is possible.

Can you tell us a bit more about ParentHood360 and what you have planned for the future?

ParentHood360 is a fun online platform that's all about enriching family life, finding cool kid’s activities and collating much-needed guilt-free treats for parents and carers. 

Our most recent venture is an hourly childcare centre located in Stockland Shopping Centre, Balgowlah called The Hood Crèche. It gives parents and guardians time to recharge, whilst the little ones have stacks of fun in our Hood Play Zone. 

The Hood Créche is all about supporting the community and by extension the local businesses that surround them. I’ve collaborated with a number of in-centre retailers to offer exclusive discounts to parents when using our service (think 10% of nails, hair, groceries, eating out).

Check them out here (select "créche credit" from the filters menu). 

Coming up we have a Halloween Spookfest event, so your little monsters can engage in some fun trick or treating activities this Halloween. More info here:

We’re now open on Saturdays and we’ve had a heap of requests for themed birthday parties. As we have some amazing super hero and princess entertainers we are busy curating themed events to take little ones on a magical birthday adventure. 

Also watch this space for more Parent Promo’s as we work with businesses outside of the centre to offer our parent community exclusive discounts off their products and services.  The idea will be to enable parents to use these cost savings to book an in-home babysitter. 

Lastly take over Australia and have lots of Hood Créche facilities so parents around the country can take a little me-time too!

If you are looking to host a party, want more information on any of our services or just want to join the team, then please email us at


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