Ingredients to include in a healthy smoothie

I don't know about you, but COVID-19 and the constant lockdowns affected me health wise. Slowly but surely I noticed some of my good habits slipping. 

We started having takeaway every week, not making it to the organic fresh food markets on a Sunday because they were shut, and meal planning and prepping went out the window so our meals were often slapped together quickly, missing many of the usual healthy ingredients! 

This was all until I remembered the benefits and value of the humble smoothie. This versatile beverage is easy to prepare, easy on the digestive tract, tasty, and great for helping you get your vitality and mojo back on track!

They can make a delicious breakfast or snack, and without all the added sugar. In fact it’s incredible how much more energy and mental focus I have throughout the day when I replace the typical cereal or toast with one of my smoothies. 

Smoothies provide your body with the hydration, antioxidants, and nutrients your body needs to be healthy and thriving, not just surviving.

Recently I was inspired by a friend of mine who is on a mission to have a juice or smoothie every day - she's 5 months in and succeeding! It motivated me to start having regular smoothies and juices again. 

​​And, now I can't get enough! 

​​A nourishing smoothie should contain a blend of ingredients with protein and fibre to help keep you full and provide antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Otherwise they can end up being unhealthy calorie-bombs filled with sugar!

If you're wondering what ingredients to include in a healthy smoothie, here's 8 simple steps:

1. ​Add Lemon juice and/or apple cider vinegar (ACV). It adds a zingy flavour punch and they are great for your health, aiding daily detox, reducing inflammation, and giving your metabolism a boost. I buy organic lemons (as they are high in pesticides) or include a drop of doTERRA lemon oil (high quality). I use Bragg’s Organic Raw Apple Cider Vinegar because it contains live active bacterial cultures that are beneficial for your digestive track.

2. Include vegetables, especially dark leafy greens. Spinach, kale or some type of lettuce are great staples for smoothies as they are low in sugar and calories and bursting with fibre, folate, and phytonutrients like carotenoids, saponins and flavonoids. 

Then I'll add veggies like carrots, cucumber​s, capsicum, and celery, which help make it a well balanced meal. They also help support a healthy weight, keep bowel movements regular, fight inflammation and decrease the risk of chronic disease​.

3. Add seasonal fruit. Include fruits that are in season, e.g. pears in winter, mangoes in summer. Many of the juices and smoothies in our 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan include summer fruits like berries, mango, and pineapple. Yum!

I especially love berries (raspberries, blueberries, strawberries) as they add a sweet and tart flavour, they are rich in antioxidants (great for anti-ageing!), and they won’t spike your blood sugars as quickly as other fruits do as they are low GI. I buy an organic bag of frozen ones as they last longer and the frozen fruit provides more thickness to the smoothie. Delicious!

4. Include a healthy fat and a protein source. Adding protein helps make your smoothie more satisfying and filling, stabilises your blood sugar levels, and provides heart-healthy fat.

There are plenty of ways to add it to your smoothie. Hormone-balancing seeds work well, and nut butters taste delicious. Ground flaxseed and hemp seeds add omega-3s, extra fibre and protein. Add no more than 1 tablespoon per serving as they can be high in calories.

You can also add a protein powder, although it’s important to buy a good quality one without fillers and artificial additives.

I also love including avocados. They are high in an ​​important nutrient, oleic acid, which is a monounsaturated fat and can help prevent chronic diseases. With a thick consistency and unique, avocados are the perfect fruit for smoothies, blending beautifully with a variety of fruits and vegetables.

5. Herb, spice and extract make great additions. ​Healthy spices like cinnamon, and extracts like vanilla, add flavour. Adding ginger gives it a zing, parsley aids detoxification, and turmeric is great for any inflammation and pain. I mix this up depending on my needs.

6. Healthy sweeteners add flavour. If you’ve got a bit of a sweet tooth, you can include natural, healthy sweeteners like Stevia and raw honey. I also love the addition of pitted dates and maple syrup, but it’s important to only include a small amount - 1/2 to 1 teaspoon per serve.

7. Superfood add-ins can boost your mojo. A superfood is a nutrient-dense ingredient that’s loaded with essential health-enhancing, disease-fighting properties. 

I love including acai berries, which are extremely antioxidant-rich and a great boost for the immune system.

The sea vegetable Spirulina offers a ton of nutrient density without packing in the calories and sugar. It is very strong in taste, and not to everyone’s liking so go slow at first.

I like to include other nutritional superfoods like; chia seeds, nutritional yeast, aloe vera, cacao, and maca powder.

8. ​Add a pinch of good quality salt. By doing this you amplify the natural sweetness of the smoothie, and it makes it more hydrating for you.

Smoothies are a simple and convenient way to boost your intake of fruits, vegetables, and other fibre-rich foods.

Get creative and you can create a well balanced meal that will have your mojo in flow before you know it!

If you’d like to try some of my smoothie recipes, a few of them are included in my FREE gift to you - my Pick of the Bunch recipe booklet in which I share some of my most popular recipes from the detox.

I hope you enjoy them, Mummy Mojo :-).


Serial Entrepreneur Amber Chapman on her passion for business, the power of play and the importance of me time


Curious About Detoxing? This FREE 3-Day Mojo Reboot Is For You