Ingredients to include in a healthy smoothie
Health Amy Down Health Amy Down

Ingredients to include in a healthy smoothie

I've always been a fan of a smoothie. These versatile beverages are easy to prepare, often very tasty, and are great for helping your get your vitality and mojo back on track! They can make a delicious breakfast or snack, and without all the added sugar.

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The Health Benefits of Fermented Foods
Health Amy Down Health Amy Down

The Health Benefits of Fermented Foods

Your microbiome consists of an enormous colony of bacteria, viruses, and fungi that live in your large intestine. It is basically an organ in its own right, and scientists have discovered that it heavily influences much of your health, and plays a major role in your immune system function.

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Creating a Non-Toxic Kitchen
Health Amy Down Health Amy Down

Creating a Non-Toxic Kitchen

The kitchen is the heart of the home—where your family spends much of its time congregating around family meals. As you are cooking, do you actually think about what you are using? In a lot of ways having a non-toxic kitchen is just as important as WHAT you’re eating.

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Six Strategies to Help Ease Pain and Fatigue
Health Amy Down Health Amy Down

Six Strategies to Help Ease Pain and Fatigue

I had been feeling really well for about a year, and then in February I had a relapse in health symptoms. I understand the mind-body connection, so I could appreciate that the collective trauma and stress around the Coronavirus, and the changes in our life, likely contributed to this.

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Mummy Mojo Food and Recipe Ideas
Health mummymojo Health mummymojo

Mummy Mojo Food and Recipe Ideas

Aim for a 400-600 calorie main meal each day, and twice a day if you don't need to lose weight. You can go slightly under or slightly over, we don’t want you consumed by calorie counting. We want you to gain healthy eating habits that will exist forever in your life.

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7 Steps to a Sharp Immune System
Health mummymojo Health mummymojo

7 Steps to a Sharp Immune System

If I were to ask you what your immune system does for you, you’d probably say that it helps protect you against viruses and infections. That’s true, but protection against a cold or bronchitis is just a drop in the bucket for what it does.

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Is going Organic Worth it?
Health mummymojo Health mummymojo

Is going Organic Worth it?

Sales of organic food are growing fast in Australia and organic produce is endorsed by many of our top chefs, including Kylie Kwong and Neil Perry. But, what does organic mean, what are the nutritional benefits of organic food and are they worth the extra expense?

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Enzyme Juicing
Health mummymojo Health mummymojo

Enzyme Juicing

Consuming fresh vegetable juices can be an easy way to meet your daily vegetable requirements.

Doing so requires the use of a juicer, which extracts juice out of fruits and vegetables through using different methods, depending on the type of juicer.

One benefit of juicing your vegetables is the preservation of important enzymes found in vegetables, which are destroyed or significantly reduced during cooking.

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