Mummy Mojo Food and Recipe Ideas

Aim for a 400-600 calorie main meal each day, and twice a day if you don't need to lose weight. You can go slightly under or slightly over, we don’t want you consumed by calorie counting.

We want you to gain healthy eating habits that will exist forever in your life. You will find as you shift the toxins and move your body into an alkaline state, your taste buds will gravitate towards healthy options naturally.

Do not use bottled sauces and add salts to your diet unless it is Himalayan salt.

Avoid canned foods.

Do not use artificial sweeteners, colours and processed foods.

Always carry your snacks on you.

Fresh, raw and if possible organic foods are best.

Eat unlimited vegetables.

Never go hungry!

Meal Suggestions - Choose one from each of the following categories:


Lentils – 1 cup

Legumes – 1 cup

Tofu – 150g

Chicken – 120g

Fish – 120g

Turkey – 120g

Prawns – 6

Lean Beef – 120g

Eggs – 7 whites and 1 yolk

Cottage cheese – 1 cup

Reduced fat cheese – 80g

Game meats – 120g.


Starch (only if you are replacing lunch and before 2pm if weight loss is goal)

Potato – 1

Sweet Potato – 1 med

Brown Rice – ½ cup

Sqaush – ½ cup

Corn – ½ cup

Banana – 1 med

Rice Patsa – ½ cup

Spelt, Rye, GF bread – 1 slice

Quinoa – ¾ cup cooked.


Healthy Fats (1 tbsp)

Avocado Oil

Coconut Oil

Sunflower seed oil

Pumpkin seed oil

Hemp seed oil

Olive oil (cold pressed)

Almond oil

Raw nuts


Raw almond butter.


Vegetables (organic for fewer pesticides) - unlimited














Snack Ideas

Hard boiled egg on celery or 10 brown rice crackers

½ Isalean Bar

Handful of unsalted nuts

Celery, Carrot and Hummus

Green salad

Smoked salmon on corn cracker



Meal Ideas

Chicken, Vegetable and Kale Soup – boil up chicken, vegetables and kale with home made or reduced salt vegetable stock, onion and parsley. Blitz to your liking of consistency. Can freeze in batches. Makes an easy and delicious meal on the run.

Vegetable Frittata – stir-fry some vegetables and onions. Place in a baking tray and pour over an egg mixture (2 egg yolks, 4 egg whites). Bake until cooked and serve with some brown rice, salad and tamari sauce.

Fish and Chips – Coat fish in coconut flour and dip in an egg wash. Cover fish pieces in almond meal and lightly fry in olive or coconut oil. Serve with home made baked vegetable chips and salad.

Chicken Stir-fry – chicken, onion and vegetables with tamari, ginger and a tbsp. of honey.

Spaghetti Bolognaise – in a slow cooker place 250g fresh low fat mince and lots of green leafy vegetables. Add in 2 carrots and some pumpkin. Cook with organic tomato sauce and 6-8 crushed tomatoes. Serve with broccoli or slim noodles (found in health food section of Coles).

Veal Schnitzel – Make your own crumb mixture using 2 tbsp. parmesan cheese, GF crumbs and chopped parsley. Coat the veal and fry lightly, or cook under grill. Serve with green vegetables.

Lasagne – make the bolognaise sauce as above and use eggplant and zucchini to layer your lasagne.

Stuffed Capsicums – Fry off your turkey mince with shallots and tamari. Add vegetables like corn, zucchini and mushroom. Place mixture in capsicums and bake until capsicum is warmed.


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