Mummy Mojo Food and Recipe Ideas
Aim for a 400-600 calorie main meal each day, and twice a day if you don't need to lose weight. You can go slightly under or slightly over, we don’t want you consumed by calorie counting. We want you to gain healthy eating habits that will exist forever in your life.

One of the reasons I love Summer: Cherries, nutritionally good for you!
Summer time brings so much goodness... More ocean swims, daily if I can. Amazing sunsets, with a cocktail in hand if I can. Seasonal summer fruits, including my absolute favourite cherries, whenever I can. In fact I eat cherries every day when they are in season..mmmmmmm, delicious!! Most people like cherries, but did you know that they can also relieve pain, help you avoid premature ageing, and add years to your life?

Surviving the Silly Season
Christmas is not far away and I am starting to think about what I need to do to keep up with the party season. Below are some ideas of how you can not only survive the silly season but come out the other end with your health and well being intact!

Mummy Mojo's Simple (yet tasty) Snacks
Mummy Mojo’s simple and tasty snacks for all the family

Is going Organic Worth it?
Sales of organic food are growing fast in Australia and organic produce is endorsed by many of our top chefs, including Kylie Kwong and Neil Perry. But, what does organic mean, what are the nutritional benefits of organic food and are they worth the extra expense?

How to Curb that Craving!
Food cravings are experienced by everyone from time to time but some people, like me, find it more difficult than others to control them without a daily hit of chocolate or chips just to get through the day. Think of that 3pm slump! Distinguishing the underlying cause for food cravings can be challenging, since they usually stem from a combination of emotional, hormonal and biochemical factors.

Burn, Baby Burn
Why is it that one person can eat whatever they want whenever they want, yet another seems to put on a couple of kilos just LOOKING at a doughnut? The answer can be summed up in one word: Metabolism. Although metabolism collectively refers to all of the chemical processes that occur in your body, the biggest concern for most is the part of metabolism that determines how your body produces and uses energy.

Mojo Secrets to a Dimple-Free Derriere
Cellulite, or what I like to call it, 'orange peel skin’, affects almost 90 per cent of women, but why is it that I always seem to go to beaches where the butts could be extras on the set of Baywatch? Back in the real world the lumpy, cottage cheese-like stuff pops up on our thighs, arms and butt or essentially anywhere it decides to plop, the bane of my existence! Some doctors say it is just normal deposits of fat. I disagree. The difference between fat and cellulite is obvious.