Mummy Mojo's Simple (yet tasty) Snacks

Banana and Egg Pancake 1 egg and 1 banana, mash together and cook in coconut oil on fry pan...yum!


Turkey Tomato Bites

Turkey Base with Tomato on top. Season with pepper and tobasco sauce.

Polenta Chips

Polenta Chips

1 cup of polenta

1 1/2 cups of water

Tuscan seasoning herbs

1 tablespoon of butter

Splash of milk

Rock salt - a generous twist or two

Bring polenta to the boil with water, turn down to simmer and add butter, milk, salt and herbs. Stir until thick and creamy. Put into a dish to cool and harden. Cut into chips and put on baking paper roast in oven 240 degrees.

Roasted Chilli Chick Peas

1 can of chickpeas drained

Coconut oil or Olive oil

Chilli flakes

4 cloves of garlic chopped

Salt and pepper

Mix all ingredients in a bowl, lay on baking paper and throw onto baking paper in a tray. Pop in oven at high heat and cook for about 30 mins (watch them as they can burn quickly).

Pan Seared Baby Tomato and Garlic

Coconut oil or olive oil

2-3 cloves of garlic


Salt and pepper

Parmesan cheese

Put oil in pan, add garlic and baby tomatoes (cut in half) and sear them on high heat. You can add parmesan cheese and parsley.

Roasted Pepitas

Pepitas (pumpkin seeds)

Coconut oil/ Olive oil

Chinese five spice

Put some coconut oil in a roasting pan melt the oil, throw Pepitas in, cover in Chinese five spice and roast until crunchy.

Sesame Seed Kale Chips (Kristy’s)

Raw sesame and garlic granules with a little bit of onion powder and olive oil. Grind in mortar and pestle then add olive oil and coat kale and bake in oven. Easy! Quantities depend on individual taste.

Celery Salmon and Avocado Boats

Use celery as the boats and stuff with avocado, smoked salmon and a squeeze of lemon for a zesty finish!

Avocado Mash

Mash a whole small avo and pop it on top of sliced tomato, fresh basil, salt/pepper and a zest of lemon.

Tomato Base with Salmon and Avocado

Cut your tomato into round slices. Use a base and top with salmon and avocado.

Protein Balls

Combine & mix in a bowl:

1 cup mixed raw nuts and roughly chop/blend

½ cup dried coconut for mixture

¼ cup sesame seeds

5 scoops chocolate Isalean powder

5 heaped tablespoons almond butter (or more for desired consistency)

2 tablespoons of raw cacao

8 drops liquid stevia (or more for desired sweetness)

Water – add until desired consistency

¼ cup of dried coconut for rolling

Squeeze & roll ingredients into balls. Toss each bliss ball in bowl of dried coconut or sesame seeds for coating.

Cottage Cheese Snack

1 cup cottage cheese with the juice of a lemon, some salt and pepper. Use it as a dip with veggie sticks.

Biltong Bliss

50g of Biltong (from the markets – the stuff in packets from the supermarket is full of preservatives and chemicals) with a piece of fruit or veggies.

Warm Cinnamon Apple

Combine a chopped apple topped with cinnamon, 1/2 cup sultanas and 1/4 cup walnuts. Microwave until the apple is nice and soft but not mushy - about 30 to 45 seconds. This is a comforting snack on a cold day.

Greek Yoghurt Treat

1/2 cup Greek yoghurt, 1 tablespoon Isalean Shake, 1 tablespoon (unsweetened) cocoa powder, a serve of frozen berries. Mix it all together and enjoy. This is particularly good on a hot day.

Other snacks – raw beans, carrots, snow peas, red capsicum, celery, rice cakes with hummus, almonds (10), apple, cashews (10), boiled eggs.


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