How to Stop Fighting CFS and Start Working with it

I used to battle with Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and Lymes Disease. After many years of failing to get better I decided to take a fully holistic approach to my healing. I became very passionate about my health and wellbeing and no amount of perceived "fun" was worth it anymore.

Here is some advice that has helped me along my journey to wellness. It will be good to apply in your life even if you have a clean bill of health, as prevention is always key to leading a healthy and disease free life.

1. Avoid foods that cause inflammation, pain, fatigue and digestion issues.

I used to love having a few of the kid's 'hot chips'. Not anymore! The frying oil causes nero toxins and inflammation. I didn't realise how bad it was.

Potato also spikes your blood sugars easily and it also has a toxic alcolaid to cause arthritis. Replace with Kale chips. You need to move from frying to re-hydration.

If you crave salt like me have popcorn, which we do with the kids every Friday! Only use ORGANIC popcorn as most popcorn is genetically modified.

Dairy products also flare up inflammation. I am used to rice milk and coconut milk, both good sources of calcium. I make ice cream in my juicer now, and without milk, and the kids love it!

Wheat - in fact it is toxic for most people! My 'gluten-free' diet is the way to go. And I don't miss it. I'm happier, I don't get skin rashes anymore, and I have less pain without wheat in my diet.

I LIVED on a Mediterranean diet. Being vegetarian my meals typically included tomatoes, capsicum along with the other nightshades.

Unfortunately the acidity from the nightshade vegetables also caused inflammation. I still rarely eat meat, however I have increased my intake of seafood and I am loving eating lots of green leafy vegetables.

Anything white starch (potatoes, wheat, etc) can really derange our hormones. As you get older, or if you are suffering from a chronic disease, it is best to leave these out of your food choices.

2. Reduce other toxins in your home and environment.

Toxins are everywhere from our personal care products, through to air pollution in the environment. The toxins and chemicals in products can cause a lot of inflammation and pain.

Choose natural products free of any 'hidden nasties' where possible.

Regularly air your house by opening the windows and doors to flush out dirt and mould.

Plants can be natural air filters which cleanse the air of VOCs and other pollutants. The spider plant for example, will clean the air in your house of benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene.

3. Build your immune system.

Infections cause a lot of inflammation which in turn affects your gut health. 70% of your immune system resides in your gut, and when your gut microbiome is out of balance your entire system can suffer. Support a healthy digestive tract by taking a good quality probiotic, and eating organic, nutritious food containing lots of fibre, vitamins and minerals. You also need to reduce alcohol, processed foods, sugar, gluten and other food allergens.

For a healthy immune function I also take vitamin C powder, zinc and vitamin D supplements, and a formula with olive leaf and andrographis.

Our automated 30-Day Autumn/Winter Detox includes immune boosting tips and strategies, and by eating clean food and taking other steps, you will reduce the toxic and bacterial load in your body.

4. Release negative beliefs to uncover your authentic self.

I felt a deep sense of grief when first got sick. Why me? Why so young? Then I realised that although I couldn't stop the pain with loss, I shouldn't have to suffer more than I had too.

Sometimes it is too soon to find a silver lining. When it does come, eventually, it can be truly magical. I now think that this illness was the best thing that ever happened to me.

It wakened me up.

I see life in a completely different way and even on my hardest, most painful days, I feel a sense of gratitude for all that I am and all that I have in my life.

I live with a renewed sense of purpose and hope for a happy and healthy future. The future is bright and it can be for all of us if we are willing to let go of the old, negative beliefs that try to hold us back.

5. Daily Intention setting.

This is now part of my morning routine and over time every word, thought, action is starting to align with the universe's flow.

Expert meditator, davidji said this: "With change you can always change back. With transformation it is evolution, there is no going back."

By setting a daily intention I am slowly transforming my life and there is no going back. I am taking a step forward without having a foot anchored in the past.

Although there is fear present, I trust the universe and I trust my choices. This moment is perfect and it is meant to be. I can still have power and trust to move forward through the pain.

I can believe in magnificent miracles too. I am making a divine commitment with myself. This is important to me.

6. think healthy, wholefoods. Think positive thoughts.

You digest foods. You digest thoughts. It's as important to eat healthy foods as it is to say positive things. Thank your organs for all the good work that they do.

Think of three things that you are grateful for at the end of each day and it will help you on the road to happiness.


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