Creating a Non-Toxic Kitchen
Health Amy Down Health Amy Down

Creating a Non-Toxic Kitchen

The kitchen is the heart of the home—where your family spends much of its time congregating around family meals. As you are cooking, do you actually think about what you are using? In a lot of ways having a non-toxic kitchen is just as important as WHAT you’re eating.

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Bitten by ticks and my life was never the same again
Health, Lifestyle, Inspiration Amy Down Health, Lifestyle, Inspiration Amy Down

Bitten by ticks and my life was never the same again

At the end of 2010 I was bitten by a large number of grass ticks and my life was never the same again. This encounter with these tiny creatures that gave me a bacterial infection, one that the government says doesn’t exist here, changed everything. I went from being a healthy, energetic person to not being able to get out of bed for weeks at a time because of debilitating symptoms of fatigue, muscle pain, brain fog, tinnitus, insomnia, and IBS to name but some of them.

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8 reasons to have an infrared sauna
Health Amy Down Health Amy Down

8 reasons to have an infrared sauna

Use of a FIR sauna has a cumulative effect on the body; that daily use magnifies its benefits. Your first experience in an FIR sauna will give some benefit. After several days and then weeks, detoxification, weight loss, immune building and other benefits will increase dramatically.

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How to Stop Fighting CFS and Start Working with it
Health mummymojo Health mummymojo

How to Stop Fighting CFS and Start Working with it

I used to battle with Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and Lymes Disease. After many years of failing to get better I decided to take a fully holistic approach to my healing. I became very passionate about my health and wellbeing and no amount of perceived "fun" was worth it anymore.

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