Need to de-stress? Here are simple ways to carve out some 'me-time'
Did you know that stress related anxiety is one of most common mental health conditions affecting women, according to official statistics?

Seven reasons for getting a good night's shut eye
Remember the days when you woke up naturally, and felt amazingly rested and refreshed, like you’ve had just the right amount of sleep? Didn’t think so!

How To Enjoy Your Own Company and Love Yourself More
After struggling with hormonal ups and downs as a teenager, and an episode of depression when I was 19 and suffering a breakup heartache, I decided to study and help cultivate more self-love. I ultimately wanted to learn how to enjoy my company and love myself more.

7 Ways to Practise Mindfulness as a Busy Mum
Nowadays, mindfulness for some people is just another buzzword. But what does it actually mean, and how can you practise mindfulness as a busy mum to calm your mind and get the most out of life? This is what I will share with you today, as well as some actionable tips on incorporating small mindful habits into your everyday life as a mum.

Ten Simple Mindfulness Activities For Kids
Ask any parent if they’d like their child to be able to focus their attention on a task without distraction, calm themselves down when they are anxious or angry, or be kind to other children, and the answer would be a resounding yes! Mindfulness offers all these benefits and more, and can provide our children with valuable tools to help them deal with the many challenges they face growing up. Not only that, habits formed in early life shape the behaviours we adopt in adulthood. Starting at a young age with simple mindfulness activities that are kid-friendly can give our children the habit of caring for their mental health throughout their life.
Every day has a gift, even if the day has been a difficult one
Like everyone, I've been experiencing ups and downs lately. But it’s good to remember that every day has a gift, even if the day has been a difficult one. Sometimes I find myself enjoying the changes that have happened in my life. I find myself smiling because my hubby, kids, and our dog are all at home, and I'm grateful for their company.

Mummy Mojo's 5 Steps to a Cracking Christmas
We're already almost have way through December, and the countdown to Christmas is well and truly on.
Whether this leaves you in a state of excitement or a state of panic, there’s no denying mums have a lot to do when it comes to the Christmas holiday season.
A lot of the responsibility for shopping, wrapping, cleaning, cooking, decorating and entertaining falls on our shoulders, and we feel a lot of pressure to deliver an amazing Christmas for the kids. All mums need are 5 steps to a cracking Christmas!

Kinesiologist De-Anne Joseph's secrets for keeping her mojo flowing
It is that time of year where many of us are setting New Year's resolutions and making the commitment to be healthier and happier in 2017.

Making mindfulness easy for busy mums
There’s a lot of buzz about the word "mindfulness", and how it can help you live a calmer, more fulfilling, more satisfying life. But, when you're a mum, finding time to do a mindfulness practice is pretty much at the bottom of your to-do list!

3 Mindful Parenting Practices
Mindful practice, such as learning to be more present, helps us in our parenting and our relationships with our kids, partners, and families.

Favourite Apps for Meditation, Relaxation and Mindfulness
Apps can be a great way to support your health and wellness journey. There are a myriad of different apps available and it can be difficult to know which are good and which are just rubbish.

Mindful Mum Deep Breathing Exercise
Motherhood is far from being stress free. There’s always things to do and kids can be unpredictable. When you are patient, relaxed and zen, your children tend to mirror and be the same.

What is EFT tapping and how does it help?
EFT stands for “Emotional Freedom Technique” and some people know it as “Tapping”. It works like emotional acupuncture, but without the needles!

How To Be More Present With Your Children
It is possible to spend many hours a day with our kids without really being there. Our minds are so busy thinking about what’s going in the school lunch box, what are we having for dinner or whether we should have sent that email.

3 ways to Practice Mindful Self-Care
Finding time for some mindful self-care is vital for your health and your sanity. By putting your own oxygen mask on first you will be much better placed to sustain caring for and raising your children.

7 Steps to Getting Your Mojo Back
With two children under five, I was working full-time, managing the house hold, studying nutrition and health coaching, and hosting regular social events - dinner parties, committee meetings, book club, etc...

Five Ways to use social Media mindfully
Mindfulness tells us there is insight to be found in anything when we approach it mindfully, consciously, and with purpose. So could there be ways to use social media mindfully?

Improve Your Relationships With Mindfulness
It can make us worry, feel insecure, argue and lash out or withdraw. These levels of stress can hurt our relationships. When under stress, your brain goes into tunnel vision mode and you lose sight of details. You become quick to judge and jump to conclusions with the ones you care about which can damage the relationship. So how do you improve your relationships with mindfulness?

Finding Joy in Simplicity
When we don’t nourish ourselves with healthy food, restful sleep, regular exercise, a daily spiritual practice such as meditation or journaling, and other mind-body healing habits, we will inevitably feel tired, out of balance, irritable, and sometimes even depressed.

Billabong Retreat – tranquil bush haven
Many women pride themselves on being consummate multitaskers. We juggle multiple to-do lists for the home, kids, and work. By the time we’ve paid the bills, cleaned our homes, finished the laundry, chauffeured the kids to play dates, sports, and birthday parties, there is hardly any time left for us.