Every day has a gift, even if the day has been a difficult one

Like everyone, I've been experiencing ups and downs lately. But it’s good to remember that every day has a gift, even if the day has been a difficult one.

Sometimes I find myself enjoying the changes that have happened in my life. I find myself smiling because my hubby, kids, and our dog are all at home, and I'm grateful for their company. 

Other times I feel like I'm going to pull my hair out, what with all of us trying to get our "stuff done" - and all in the same space!!

Sometimes I think about what's happening around the world - all the suffering whether that be from illness, financial loss, loneliness, anxiety, or all the above - and I feel overwhelmed. 

With the amount of information flooding in from different sources, it’s hard not to become overwhelmed sometimes.

I had a moment last week when I remembered; although I can't control what’s happening in the world I can control how I respond to it. It was then that I decided to do my 7 Day Mindfulness Experience again.

By practising mindfulness for 7 days it helped me stop, take a moment, and slow down. I was able to release what had been holding me back from enjoying my life in the NOW. I was reminded of how beneficial it is to do this, especially during an uncertain time like this. 

I became more aware of the "monkey mind" that was causing much of this anxiety, and I slowly, but surely, started to release some of the power it had over me. 

And damn it felt good to release some of this! 

As I became more present, I felt more calm. In this state of calm I was able to manage my energy because I was no longer spending my days with my sympathetic nervous system in overdrive. 

It reminded me that so much of our precious time is wasted. Worrying about what has happened, what we could have done, what should have happened, what needs to be done, what our future is going to be like, when will the kids go back to school, will the Coronavirus cases rise again, etc, etc, etc... 

With all this going on it's no wonder we miss out on so much of what is happening right in front of us!

Last Friday's nature walk was a great example of how the Experience supported me. While I walked I observed my breathing. I became aware of my body, how my feet were hitting the rocky ground, and how my muscles were contracting as I climbed the rocks. 

I tuned into the sights, smells and sounds - birds chirping, running water, rustling of the trees, the fresh smell of the vegetation, the breathtaking views. 

I was able to connect more deeply with the environment and feel a deep sense of gratitude for the precious time with my family. I felt joyful, calm, connected, and present. Better than any therapy session!

If you would like to try an exercise like this for yourself, join my Mindfulness Experience. My automated, simple program is delivered online and via text message, and you can start on a day that suits you best. Plus you'll have lifetime access to this wonderful material.

To start living in the moment without feelings of stress and anxiety, and for only $19 the price of a meal, all you have to do is CLICK HERE


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Curious about Mindfulness? NOW’s the perfect opportunity to give it a try