Curious about Mindfulness? NOW’s the perfect opportunity to give it a try

During this current COVID-19 crisis, many people are drawing on the practise of mindfulness to help them deal will the stress and overwhelm we are collectively feeling. If you are curious about how mindfulness can help you through this crisis and beyond, now’s the perfect opportunity to give it a try with my affordable 7 Day Mindfulness Experience.

How will you benefit from the 7 Day Mindfulness Experience?

Do you lay awake at night worrying about the impact of COVID-19 on your family's health, happiness or finances? Feel like every day is Groundhog Day, with each day feeling just like the last? Compare yourself to other mums who appear to be winning at home schooling and feel like you are not doing a good enough job? Shout at your kids over something small because it's the last straw?

If you answered yes to any of the above, you are not alone. Experiencing a range of emotions like anxiety, stress, sadness and anger is normal for many of us right now in these days of uncertainty and isolation.  

Mindfulness is a powerful tool that can help anyone manage all these things and more, and particularly maxed-out mums who feel overwhelmed and disconnected from their support networks.

Mindfulness won't change any of your circumstances. You will still be at home, facing the same health, financial and living scenarios. It won't erase the disappointment felt by teenagers for missing camp, graduations and other rights of passage. It won't prevent toddlers having meltdowns as they face another day cooped up at home away from their playmates. It won't change the fact that you cannot see the people or do the things that used to keep you sane. It won't make the things that scare you go away.

But here's what it will do. It will help you cope, by managing your perception of, and response to, all these challenges we are currently facing. 

Mindfulness has been scientifically proven to help you...

  • Overcome negative emotions like fear and anxiety

  • Remain calm, patient and in control when you want to scream and shout

  • Accept and let go of what we cannot change

  • Be more in the moment, instead of letting your mind run away into the future with what could be

  • Be more compassionate towards yourself and others

  • Make choices that best serve you and your family

  • Find joy and meaning in the mundane of ordinary life

  • Not sweat the small stuff

  • Live life on your own terms, without being caught up in what everyone else is doing, thinking, and saying. 

A special gift for you…

My purpose has always been to help and inspire mums to lead a more mindful, mojo-filled life, and during this crisis I want to be here for anyone who could use a little extra support.

That's why I have created this special '7 Day Mindfulness Experience' to support anyone struggling with their thoughts and emotions during these difficult times. 

What's more, I have made this resource available to as many people as possible. You can have this course for the low price of only $19, which is the price of a meal with so much more value and benefit.

So if you've been curious about mindfulness, here's your perfect, risk-free opportunity to give it a try.

I would love every mum, everywhere, to have the opportunity to participate in the experience, and learn some proven techniques to help them cope during these difficult times. 

Share the gift of calm, clarity and compassion

The stress, overwhelm and anxiety we are all feeling right now is undeniable. Mindfulness is a simple tool that is accessible to absolutely everyone, and provides scientifically proved benefits. 

This 7 Day Mindfulness Experience will empower you to let go of what you can't control, accept what is, and make better choices for you and your family. It will help you be more compassionate towards yourself and others, find joy in the simple, everyday moments and remain calm and patient  - even when your kids are driving you crazy! Now more than ever, we need to take care of one another. If you know others who would find value in this free resource, please share it with them. It’s one small way to make a difference.

CLICK HERE to register for this value-packed resource to help you in your time of need.


Every day has a gift, even if the day has been a difficult one


Steps to Help you Cope and Stay Healthy during C-RONA