Steps to Help you Cope and Stay Healthy during C-RONA

The world as we know it has changed in response to COVID-19. These changes have resulted in huge pressure and stress for many people, and the fear from this is causing some people to panic, some to get sad and depressed, and others to put their heads in the sand - like ostriches do. 

At Mummy Mojo we like to focus on the silver lining, to look for the lessons, and to use times like this as an opportunity for growth and development. That’s why we’ve put together this feature and filmed a video with our steps to help you cope and stay healthy during C-RONA.

Instead of feeding into the fear of what may happen, we will provide you with knowledge, support, tools, and health practices so you can be proactive and feel more calm. 

You are our tribe, our community and we are here to support you during this confusing and difficult time.

We are currently in the midst of some very challenging times where it can seem easy to fall into a state of worry. Many of us are experiencing it on a mental, emotional, and physical level. Last week we shared a tapping (EFT) video to help you and your loved ones feel less stressed and more calm. If you happened to miss it, the link is HERE. Do it anytime you need support or feel overwhelmed.

Another important step is to keep your immune system strong. This is an effective way to avoid contracting colds, flu, and viruses. In our free video we dive into what you need to know to keep your immune system functioning optionally. 

Some of our other steps to boost your immune system include:

  • Reduce stress - this is a critical step as it’s one of the top immune suppressants! Yoga, meditation, and any type of exercise and movement will be beneficial in calming down the parasympathetic system and supporting your immune function.

  • Reduce sugar - within 20 minutes of consumption sugar decreases the ability of your white blood cells to "eat up" viruses by 50%. During this time you may feel like comfort food, but sugar is like a drug and it greatly impairs the immune system.

  • Vitamin C - feeling stressed can reduce many of the vitamins and minerals in your body. Supplement with vitamin C which is an amazing immune stimulant, and eat lots of citrus based foods (capsicum, melon, kiwi fruit, mango, broccoli, tomatoes, cabbage, leafy greens, berries). If you are sick take up to 6g of vitamin C a day. 

  • Zinc - another immune system nutrient which is often lacking as alcohol, sugar, coffee and stress deplete zinc. Sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds are a good natural source of zinc, supplements are readily available in-store and have been shown to be effective against coronaviruses.

  • Vitamin D - is a necessary component for helping to rebuild the immune system. If you can't get 15 minutes of sunshine during the day, we recommend taking a supplement.

  • Herbal support - turmeric helps inhibit virus entry into the cells, Astragalus increases defence of incoming viruses, Elderberry is a strong antioxidant and helps defence against viruses, Echinacea is anti-viral and helps support the bodies defence system, Liquorice Root has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties, Olive leaf extract is an immune rebuilder and defender of incoming viruses. 

  • Essential oils - can help protect you from bacteria and viruses. For immune support and to ward off cold, flu and viruses, my favourites are; doTERRA OnGuard, Eucalyptus, Clove, Grapefruit, Thyme, Cinnamon, Tea Tree, Lavender and Frankincense. You can make your on disinfectant spray with a mix of the above oils (around 25 drops), 2 tbsp. aloe vera, and water. Spray it on surfaces to prevent and treat immune infections.
    Sound sleep - make sure you are getting enough shut-eye. Don't look at news or social media feeds at least an hour before bed. At this time turn off lights (use lamps and candles) and start winding down with activities that relax you.

  • Nutrition - stop buying all that pasta! Plant based foods, high in antioxidants and fibre, are what you should be prioritising for a healthy immune function. Each time you eat, the body is flooded with substances that either increase or degrade the immune response. By removing foods that deplete immune system resources (e.g., sugar, alcohol, and refined carbohydrates) while incorporating ones that boost immune defences (e.g. vegetables, fruit, healthy fats), the body’s white blood cells receive the nourishment that they need to promote optimal immune system function.

    Having a green juice every morning like on our detox and weight loss programs, is one way to ensure your antioxidant levels remain high. Garlic is antibacterial and antiviral and helps to strengthen white blood cells. Oregano is excellent for respiratory viruses, and ginger helps to stimulate the immune system.

Other steps like properly washing your hands, avoiding touching your face, and more are included in our article HERE.


Curious about Mindfulness? NOW’s the perfect opportunity to give it a try


Worried about the Coronavirus? Watch this to help with fear and stress