Worried about the Coronavirus? Watch this to help with fear and stress

EFT Tapping for COVID-19 worry and stress

These are unusual times.

No one is exempt.

The Coronavirus has created hysteria with people in Australia hoarding household items like toilet paper. We are washing our hands so much the skin on our fingers is starting to flake.

We are all worried, whether we’d like to admit it or not. No-one quite knows how it will unfold, although I can’t shake the feeling that this is only the beginning and that the world at large will see a worsening before it gets better. 

What is making this outbreak (nearing pandemic) so scary is not the deadliness of the virus (people with decent immune systems should be okay), it is more to do with the mental, social, and economic impact it is having on our world’s population.

Current (and often untrue) news reports are eliciting feelings of emotional vulnerability, survival fear regarding financial loss, helplessness, feelings of isolation, feeling threatened by getting sick, and so forth.

The stress surrounding this situation is being felt in every pocket of the world, which in my lifetime has never happened before. I believe it is affecting our collective human consciousness. 

You may also find this stress may be pushing you towards checking your social media feed more often, you may be binging too much on Netflix (I’m guilty of this), or over consuming carbs or alcohol. These behaviours do not support your sense of safety and wellbeing.

In light of this, we thought it was timely to share a tapping (EFT) video. Tapping is a wonderful technique which can help you feel calm, help relax the nervous system, and help reduce fears you have about the situation. Doing tapping can actually help you find out what stress forming beliefs are keeping you from making healthy choices. 

But, regardless of what is worrying you, tapping is a fabulous self-help tool for emotional self-regulation.

Ongoing stress keeps the sympathetic nervous system in an elevated state of fight or flight. This is associated with elevated levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, and studies have shown that tapping can decrease cortisol in the body. Not only this, when we are feeling fear, stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions, the immune system is weakened and our breathing is constricted.

And of course, with a respiratory virus like the Coronavirus, we want to be able to support our breathing as much as possible!

Before you start tapping with me, think about a fear or concern related to what is coming up for you during this stressful time. It could also be a physical symptom like restriction in the chest. Give the intensity a 0-10 rating (with 10 being the worst). Then tap along with our video session that we created. 

PLEASE NOTE: Before tapping follow the common sense advice being given by medical experts to thoroughly and vigorously wash your hands for 20 seconds. 


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Practical tips on how to stay calm and support your immune system