Practical tips on how to stay calm and support your immune system

As news of coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to develop, we thought it would be timely to share some practical tips on how to stay calm, and how to support your immune system so you can better fight off illness or reduce the length and severity of symptoms.

With 24-hour news updates and sensational reporting, the world is seemingly in a tailspin. Our newsfeeds and TVs are filled with images from around the world of deserted cities, closed schools, empty shelves and hysterical people fighting over toilet roll. It’s not surprising people are starting to feel helpless and anxious.

Here’s what you can do:

  • It is important to try to stay calm. Fear creates anxiety and stress, which can have an adverse effect on our health, particularly our immune system. Don’t feed this fear. Get on with your life, visualise you and your family as healthy and well, and take some simple prevention steps. 

  • Use social media mindfully. You are in charge of what pages you follow and how much “news” you consume. Get your updates and advice from a trusted source such as the Department of Health. Avoid the temptation to constantly check social media looking for updates. This will just put you on edge and add to your stress levels. Scaremongering headlines sell, but they also create unnecessary panic.

  • Use mindfulness techniques to reduce anxiety and keep calm. Focus on what you can control in the present moment, and away from worrying about things in the future that you cannot control. Practicing meditation and breathing exercises will help to keep stress hormones in check. There are many mindfulness practices that you can do with the kids to help with anxiety.

  • Wash your hands regularly. Teach children to wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds – approximately the time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” twice. You can also support hand washing by using a hand sanitiser, particularly when out of the house. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Don’t shake hands. Use your knuckle, elbow or gloved hand in public areas. Always wash your hands when you’ve been in a public place. 

  • Diffuse and apply essential oils to prevent illness or reduce the severity. Known as the protective blend, doTERRA On Guard contains Wild Orange, Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary essential oils and is a powerful immune support. My other favourites include; Eucalyptus, Manuka, lemon, grapefruit, rosemary and oregano. You can apply these oils, diffuse them, or include them in home-made sprays to disinfect surfaces. Spray on door knobs, keyboards, phones, and other hard surfaces. Wash bedding, towels and flannels on a hot wash. 

  • 70% of your immune system resides in your gut. When your gut microbiome is out of balance your entire system can suffer. Support a healthy gut by taking a good quality probiotic, and eat organic, nutritious food containing lots of fibre, vitamins and minerals. Reduce alcohol, processed foods, sugar, gluten and other food allergens. Consider doing a detox by eating clean food and taking other steps to reduce the toxic and bacterial load in your body.

  • Maintain balance in your lives. Get 7-9 hours sleep a night, get daily fresh air, reduce your family’s exposure to toxins, practice daily self-care, exercise regularly and assist the elimination of toxins through daily detoxing. All of these will improve overall health and build a strong immune system.

  • Keep the family hydrated with 8-10 cups a day of pure, filtered water. Genzon water filters are particularly beneficial as this system contains colloidal silver stones which help support a healthy immune system. 

  • Take supplement support like vitamin C (up to 2 grams a day), Eand D, Echinacea, andrographis, and zinc to help build a strong immune system. One of my favourites is BioCeuticals Armaforce. A lack of vitamin C has been known to increase susceptibility to viruses and add to an increased risk of influenza infections. To further increase absorption of vitamin C, include oranges, kiwi fruit, capsicum and pineapple in your diet. These are perfect for smoothies, lunch boxes, and after school snacks. Drinking bone broth is also beneficial to the immune system.

  • If you are required to self-isolate, try to keep your spirits up and stay positive. Look for opportunities to laugh, and stay connected to your loved ones via phone, text or video chat.

By following these basic preventative measures, calming techniques and immune-boosting activities you can feel confident that you are doing the very best you can for you and your family in these uncertain times.


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