Why it's Crucial to Filter Your Water

Water makes up 70% of our bodies, so it’s no surprise that drinking plenty of water is one of the most important things we can do for our health. However, our tap water is not as clean as you might think, so it is crucial that you filter your water. If you are overwhelmed with the choice of water filters on the market, we have an exclusive discount offer from Genzon to make buying a water filter easy.

Water is needed for the normal functioning of our cells. It transports nutrients into the cells, and it also helps the body to detox, moving toxins, waste, and debris out of the cells. With the majority of the population effectively dehydrated, drinking 2-3 litres of water a day is one of the most important, and easiest changes that you can make for your health and wellbeing.

However there is a BUT. And it's a BIG one. It has to be FILTERED WATER.

Why is it important to drink filtered water? If you're drinking straight out of the tap, it can undermine your health. It's dirtier than you might think!

It’s travelled through miles of pipeline, picking up contaminants, pesticides and industrial run-off along the way. It’s been disinfected with potential carcinogens like chlorine, ammonia and or chloramines, and then “fortified” with fluoride.

The Environmental Working Group spent three years investigating drinking water and found that roughly 85% of the population was using tap water laced with over 300 contaminants, many with unknown long-term effects!

Yuk, right? 

If you don't have one, it's time to get a water filter. And good news - we have an exclusive offer for you to purchase the incredible Genzon water filter at a very special discount price.

I have a Genzon water filter, and I can strongly recommend it. This amazing water system was created in Japan by water scientists to emulate natural spring water, free from contaminants and with the bonus of added essential minerals.

It filters and removes toxins and contaminants from the water, including bacteria (including e-coli, giardia, cryptospiridium), chemicals (including 100% chlorine & 90% of fluoride), heavy metals, THM's, sediment & particles (down to 0.1.5 micron).

A balanced range of alkaline minerals is then added to the water via deep sea mined mineral stones and sanitised by silver stones, a natural anti-bacterial which prevents the formation of algae in the water. 

In addition to all those health benefits, it also makes your water taste amazing, making it enjoyable and easy to drink your 2-3 litres a day!

If you’d like your own Genzon water filter, we have an exclusive offer for you. For a limited time, Genzon are offering us a 10% discount on any of their amazing water filters.

Just click HERE, browse the different options, choose your system and use the discount code MUMMYMOJO

It's an investment that will pay dividends in yours and your family's health for many years to come.


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