Seven reasons for getting a good night's shut eye
Remember the days when you woke up naturally, and felt amazingly rested and refreshed, like you’ve had just the right amount of sleep? Didn’t think so!
Every day has a gift, even if the day has been a difficult one
Like everyone, I've been experiencing ups and downs lately. But it’s good to remember that every day has a gift, even if the day has been a difficult one. Sometimes I find myself enjoying the changes that have happened in my life. I find myself smiling because my hubby, kids, and our dog are all at home, and I'm grateful for their company.

Breath your way to better health
Oxygen is the single most important element that moves through our bodies; we simply can’t live without it. And breathing is the means in which we can carry oxygen through our bodies.

Mindful Mum Deep Breathing Exercise
Motherhood is far from being stress free. There’s always things to do and kids can be unpredictable. When you are patient, relaxed and zen, your children tend to mirror and be the same.

What is EFT tapping and how does it help?
EFT stands for “Emotional Freedom Technique” and some people know it as “Tapping”. It works like emotional acupuncture, but without the needles!

Billabong Retreat – tranquil bush haven
Many women pride themselves on being consummate multitaskers. We juggle multiple to-do lists for the home, kids, and work. By the time we’ve paid the bills, cleaned our homes, finished the laundry, chauffeured the kids to play dates, sports, and birthday parties, there is hardly any time left for us.

Meditation for Those who can't Stop Thinking
The benefits of meditation are now widely known, but the very same reasons why we should find time to take it up are often the same reasons that stop us. Yes folks, technology (iPhone, ipad, laptop) has affected our ability to commit to even a few minutes away from our devices. Most of us can benefit from; a meditation for those who can’t stop thinking!

8 Ways to Improve your Spiritual Development
Are you seeking the light? Are you striving toward higher consciousness? Do you want to improve your spiritual awareness and take bigger steps on your spiritual journey? I have spent a lot of time with spiritual teachers and energy healers and this experience over the many years has allowed me to gather valuable insights about how to boost spiritual health.

Maximise your Morning Routine to Make it a Ritual
Mornings. The dawn of a new day. Each one a new beginning, the worries and regrets of yesterday softened and faded by sleep. All is fresh and new, a clean slate. It is on the edge of darkness and light when images from our dreams are remembered, when we are most attuned to the quieter voices within. Spiritually, dawn is known as the most powerful period of the day, a time of huge energy and potential. Creatively, many find the mornings to be the most potent. “Think in the morning, act in the noon, read in the evening and sleep at night.” How could you maximise your morning routine to make it a ritual?