Mummy Mojo's 5 Steps to a Cracking Christmas

We're already almost have way through December, and the countdown to Christmas is well and truly on.

Whether this leaves you in a state of excitement or a state of panic, there’s no denying mums have a lot to do when it comes to the Christmas holiday season.

A lot of the responsibility for shopping, wrapping, cleaning, cooking, decorating and entertaining falls on our shoulders, and we feel a lot of pressure to deliver an amazing Christmas for the kids. All mums need are 5 steps to a cracking Christmas!

We appreciate it can be disappointing when expectations aren’t met, and all you have to show for your efforts are bags under your eyes and a few extra inches to pinch!

If you want your family to have a really great Christmas, and you also want to enjoy the excitement and festivities without compromising your own health or sanity, then you will be pleased to know that it is absolutely possible to do so without being spat out at the end in an exhausted heap.

The key is making intentional choices this Christmas that will protect your health, nurture your soul, and make sure that it reflects your family’s values and traditions. 

Here's our top tips to help you do this:

1.    Just because it’s Christmas, don’t let your self-care rituals go. Keep up with the lemon water, green juices, walks, yoga classes. Make time to savour a coffee alone. Go to bed early when you can. Don’t forget to breathe! You can read more tips on surviving the silly season here.

2.     Do something for others. Volunteer, donate, help. It’s a wonderful way to spread the love and spirit of Christmas. Use Christmas as an opportunity to teach your children the value of kindness and the importance of giving.

3.    Protect the planet. Reduce gifts or give gifts that are kinder to the environment. Think second hand, consumables, services, experiences, sponsorship, adoptions, donations.

4.    Don’t take on too much and think about what you can let go or reduce. Shop less, travel less, attend less, cook less, decorate less. Do whatever you need to do to reduce your stress and free up more time for what’s important. 

Christmas Must-Do List

Your Christmas Must-Do List will be unique to you and your family. It will reflect your likes, personal history, family situation, traditions, beliefs and so on. 

Here’s our Christmas Must-Do List to give you an idea:

·       Family movie nights to watch Elf, A Christmas Carol and It's a Wonderful Life. There are others that we love too but these are a must.

·       Decorate the tree together while listening to Christmas songs and eating Quality Street chocolates.

·       Help the kids choose, wrap, and deliver a gift each to our local charity gift drive.

·       Attend our local community Christmas Carol concert and market.

·       Take a walk or a drive around the neighbourhood and look at Christmas lights

·       Make Christmas shortbread cookies with the kids and deliver them to the neighbours.

·       Pop into town on Christmas eve and see the "big tree" and shop window displays. Grab a coffee and soak up the festive atmosphere. 

·       Skype family overseas 

·       A trip to the beach with family and friends and everyone wears Christmas hats. 

Print out your list, pop it on the fridge, and tick them off as you count down to the big day. 

It's one To Do list that should hopefully bring you a lot of joy and pleasure! 

Think about what Christmas means to you and your family. What is important to you at Christmas? What simple pleasures do you enjoy? What are your favourite traditions? Make a Christmas Must-Do List with your non-negotiables and stick to it.


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