How to get your body bikini ready

So, I have a confession to make...I tried on a bikini in a shop this week as I have girl's trip coming up, and I thought it might be nice to have a new swimsuit to wear.

But, boy was I wrong! I realised a little too late that my body wasn’t swimsuit ready!

I'd convinced myself over the winter season, by wearing long pants and baggy tops, that I was looking great, fitter than ever!

I'd ignored the nights where I gave myself an extra serve of pasta (I'm a foodie at heart), and had desert with the kids because I couldn't resist. I'd ignored the fact that I didn't join the local gym as I was going to do this when we moved into our new house (that isn't for another six weeks so it was just an excuse).

So, I'm in this changing room and the lady asks me to come out to show her the costume. It's worth mentioning here, that this lady is gorgeous, in her early 20's, and has a body to die for with no cellulite, stretch marks, or sagging skin.

I prance out (actually) feeling confident, and then I look into the mirror with harsh lights above it (why do they do that when they're trying to sell costumes to middle aged women?!) and I am a little shocked. Firstly, because I am normally so confident in my own skin. Secondly, because of the changes that have crept up like a thief in the night over the winter months.

You see, I'm a naturally petite women, and in school I was called "chicken legs" because my pins were so skinny. However, every little extra bit shows on me, and over this hibernation period I have added some extra dimples on my derrière, along with extra padding on my hips for good measure. My boobs, which used to be my best asset, are not sitting as high as they used too (bring on the padding!), and the lack of tan makes me look like I'm a ghost - even if it feels like I've just seen one!

It doesn't help that my hair hasn't been washed in a week and the new hair (that is growing back from a post traumatic stress incident) is a strange type of curly from the humidity.

Now, I appreciate us mummas can be our own worst critics. This lady was gushing (in other words pushing to get a sale), and I probably didn't look as bad as what I'm portraying. I have also come a long way in accepting myself, the fab and the drab parts! I was just surprised that I had put on weight. On reflection this is pretty funny, because I know that if you overindulge in winter you will put on weight. No woman is exempt.

I guess the reason I am sharing this with you, is that I realised that I needed to get back to ‘walking the talk’. Here I was helping other women get healthy, fit, and strong, and I was slowly sliding backwards.

It was time to flush away the toxins and fat with diet, skin brushing, exercise, and other health techniques. It was time to tone up and feel vibrant and healthy again. It was time to join my like-minded group of women on our next 30-Day Mojo Detox and benefit from the loving group support, encouragement, and motivation!

We have listened to our tribe and we are excited to announce that we are launching a NEW 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan! Our next one kicks off on the 28th October, after the school holidays and in time to support your summer body. If you, like me, want to clean out the blahs, shed the exhaustion, and purge yourself of the comforting foods you ingested over the colder months, then join me! If you miss it don’t worry, we run an automated detox program all year round with seasonal recipe books, shopping lists, and meal planners. There’s no excuse to hibernate over the winter anymore.



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Why Cleanse? Because we are toxic!