Bitten by ticks and my life was never the same again

At the end of 2010 I was bitten by a large number of grass ticks and my life was never the same again. This encounter with these tiny creatures that gave me a bacterial infection, one that the government says doesn’t exist here, changed everything.

I went from being a healthy, energetic person to not being able to get out of bed for weeks at a time because of debilitating symptoms of fatigue, muscle pain, brain fog, tinnitus, insomnia, and IBS to name but some of them. 

It was an uphill battle because at the time I was bitten there was no proper education, reliable testing, or available medical treatment for Lyme’s Disease – which we now call in Australia Tick Borne Disease (TBD).

I went to dozens of doctors and spent time in hospital. I had MRI’s, cat-scans, EEG’s, endoscopy, lung x-rays, and hundreds of blood draws and they couldn’t find nothing!!!!

I know that had it been recognised here, and had I received an earlier diagnosis and treatment, I would not have got a chronic illness.

Eventually I wasn’t able to function at a normal level. I was unable to look after my kids and we had to get in a nanny to help drop the kids at school, make meals, and do housework. I was in bed a lot.

I slowly but surely lost my ability to continue working in a job that I loved. I went from 4 days a week, to three, to two, to two half days, and then let’s face it, there wasn’t a job left!

I’d spent over 11 years at Blackmores and I had anticipated spending many more years to come in a communications career that I loved. That was until I got so sick, I was exhausted and in huge pain at the end of each day.

But the worst bit was that because there was such little awareness and education out there, many people and most doctors didn’t believe I was sick. I was told it was in my head. I was imagining it. I was just tired mum with depression.

Finally, after a long search I found a Lyme-literate doctor helped me diagnose TBD. I thought that would be it, however it was just the beginning.

I came to understand that Lyme’s Disease (tick borne disease) is a complex illness. My immune system was already suppressed because of mould toxicity, metal toxicity, stress, Epstein Barr virus, Bartonella, and PTSD. Because I didn’t receive early intervention and treatment when I was bitten, my entire system collapsed, and it was going to be a long road to recovery.

Fortunately, while working at Blackmores (natural health company), I had studied a variety of health courses which gave me knowledge to help myself heal. When I had to leave my corporate communications career, I was also able to discover my life’s purpose; to share what I’ve experienced and help others stay well or recover from chronic illness.

I am so grateful that I took the path of self-healing. I was fortunate enough to have been educated on nutrition, mindfulness, and health, and this inspired me to start Mummy Mojo. I feel so blessed that I have been able to take all that experience and my learnings to help others. 

I have shared my story with different media over the years in order to prevent others from getting sick, and to help those who are sick recover. Last week I was fortunate enough to be able to share my story on the Today Show, along with Dr Mualla McManus from the Karl McManus Foundation. The aim was to provide awareness and education on this insidious disease, in the hopes that it could get officially recognised and help ease the suffering of so many Australians. Justin Beiber was launching his 10-party documentary on his journey with Lyme’s disease and what he’s done to get well. His mission is the same as me. To spread awareness and education to help others.

The study I did at Blackmores and the study I did following, including; nutrition, health coaching, NLP, EFT, and Matrix Reimprinting, helped me become knowledgeable in body, mind, philosophy and healthy living.

I understood through my own healing journey that no one should suffer. Experiencing some of life’s more serious threats including an infectious disease, mould toxicity, and PTSD, deepened my understanding of how a comprehensive health and wellness practice – including nutrition, detoxing, supplementation, hormone balancing, dealing with stress, exercise and mindfulness – can help to understand and overcome these challenges.  

The positive and lasting effects of a health plan including detoxing were so life changing for me, that I have dedicated my life to sharing what I’ve learned so others can benefit.

With a masterful knowledge of detoxing, a keen eye for picking up health issues, and a great deal of experience helping mums get their mojo back, we started running programs that really help women. The 30-Day Detox program is one of these and we’re excited to announce it will be returning June with immune-boosting tips as well!

During Coronavirus you're probably feeling a little blah... If you’d like to kick start your health plans early join our automated program, which will start on the day you join!

Join our 30-Day Group Detox and start feeling more energetic, more focused, more healthier, and more fabulously sexier! Your health will benefit tremendously from a fully supported, scientifically sound, 30-day process to clean up and optimise all your systems of elimination...from your lymphatic system, to your kidneys and gall bladder, to your liver, to your colon.

And if you’re a beginner to all of this why not try our 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan which also includes all the recipes and support that you need to back to your pre-baby body, to remove harmful toxins, and to replenish nutrients for a healthier, happier, and sexier you.


How To Reduce Your Kids Exposure To Harmful Toxic Chemicals


It's a new year and new decade, what do you want in 2020?