Creating a Non-Toxic Kitchen
The kitchen is the heart of the home—where your family spends much of its time congregating around family meals. As you are cooking, do you actually think about what you are using? In a lot of ways having a non-toxic kitchen is just as important as WHAT you’re eating.

Step-by-Step Method to Wean off Coffee
In order to detox effectively and allow your liver to excrete toxins, you need to cut out caffeine. Caffeine is a powerful stimulant and a highly addictive toxin. As well as the obvious sources of coffee and tea, it is found in colas (including diet varieties), energy drinks and chocolate. You may also be surprised to find it in decaf coffee, some herbal teas like green tea, sodas such as Sunkist Orange and root beer, and even some over-the-counter medications.

Simple Ways to Boost Your Immune System this Winter
Now that winter has hit and cold and flu season is upon us, one of the best things you can do for yourself and your loved ones is to get your immune system running optimally, and there are simple ways to boost your immune system this winter. When it comes to fighting off harmful infections like coronavirus, your immune system is the most effective weapon you have. Like a well-trained army, your immune system is designed to quickly spring into action at the "sound" of danger.

Bitten by ticks and my life was never the same again
At the end of 2010 I was bitten by a large number of grass ticks and my life was never the same again. This encounter with these tiny creatures that gave me a bacterial infection, one that the government says doesn’t exist here, changed everything. I went from being a healthy, energetic person to not being able to get out of bed for weeks at a time because of debilitating symptoms of fatigue, muscle pain, brain fog, tinnitus, insomnia, and IBS to name but some of them.

10 Tips for Detoxing your Every Day
Toxins enter our worlds by what we eat, drink, breathe in, and process in any way. In fact a build-up of toxins can often be the underlying cause of disease. With all the hype about detoxes circulating today, it can be overwhelming to know how to detox the right way. So how do you minimise the toxins that come into your life, and maximise the toxins that go out?