Ingredients to include in a healthy smoothie
Health Amy Down Health Amy Down

Ingredients to include in a healthy smoothie

I've always been a fan of a smoothie. These versatile beverages are easy to prepare, often very tasty, and are great for helping your get your vitality and mojo back on track! They can make a delicious breakfast or snack, and without all the added sugar.

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Mummy Mojo Food and Recipe Ideas
Health mummymojo Health mummymojo

Mummy Mojo Food and Recipe Ideas

Aim for a 400-600 calorie main meal each day, and twice a day if you don't need to lose weight. You can go slightly under or slightly over, we don’t want you consumed by calorie counting. We want you to gain healthy eating habits that will exist forever in your life.

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How To Maintain Not Gain at Christmas
Health mummymojo Health mummymojo

How To Maintain Not Gain at Christmas

During the Christmas holiday season, I plan to eat and drink and enjoy myself too much. I adore Christmas for this very reason, and will not be abstaining from a single thing I love (yes chocolate waffles, I'm talking about you!). But that doesn’t mean I want a two week blow-out with a side order of guilt, self-loathing and four extra kilos to see in the New Year with.

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6 Tips to D-Stress and Lose Weight
Health mummymojo Health mummymojo

6 Tips to D-Stress and Lose Weight

To be successful at weight loss and the prevention of weight gain, it is vital that you find ways to manage stress. Otherwise, you leave yourself open to some of the negative effects of stress. In my case, long-term stress led to a lowered immune system, which in turn made me susceptible to everything, including chronic fatigue syndrome.

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Burn, Baby Burn
Health mummymojo Health mummymojo

Burn, Baby Burn

Why is it that one person can eat whatever they want whenever they want, yet another seems to put on a couple of kilos just LOOKING at a doughnut? The answer can be summed up in one word: Metabolism. Although metabolism collectively refers to all of the chemical processes that occur in your body, the biggest concern for most is the part of metabolism that determines how your body produces and uses energy.

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Mojo Secrets to a Dimple-Free Derriere
Health mummymojo Health mummymojo

Mojo Secrets to a Dimple-Free Derriere

Cellulite, or what I like to call it, 'orange peel skin’, affects almost 90 per cent of women, but why is it that I always seem to go to beaches where the butts could be extras on the set of Baywatch? Back in the real world the lumpy, cottage cheese-like stuff pops up on our thighs, arms and butt or essentially anywhere it decides to plop, the bane of my existence! Some doctors say it is just normal deposits of fat. I disagree. The difference between fat and cellulite is obvious.

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