Make 2015 the year you get your mojo back

This is the first year in 20 years that I am not listing "lose weight" and "get healthy" among my New Year resolutions.  That's because in April 2014, I discovered nutritional cleansing. I was overweight, bloated, puffy, lethargic, foggy-headed, and didn't have the energy to get through the day.  By evening my body was screaming to lie down and sleep. I looked old and tired, and felt even older.

Fast forward eight months and I am the lightest weight I've been since I was 20, and what's more I'm maintaining it with ease.


I have lost a total of 9 kilos, but more importantly I have lost 57cm from all over my body, including 9cms from my abdomen, 8 cms from my waist, 7 cms from my chest and 6cms from my buttocks.

Even in the last few months where I have reached a weight that I am happy with and my weightloss has reached a natural plateau, I am continuing to lose cms.  My body is getting stronger, leaner and more toned.  I am still losing visceral fat and I'm gaining lean muscle.

What this means is wearing the clothes I've always wanted to, feeling comfortable in a bikini on the beach, feeling happy and confident in myself.

I am sleeping soundly, naturally waking up early feeling refreshed, and getting through the day with no afternoon slump.  I have energy to spare at the end of the day!

The foggy head I have carried around for years has been replaced with mental clarity and increased performance.

Skin conditions that I have suffered from for years (psoriasis, hives) have been eradicated, as has the IBS that I have lived with since I was 18.

I feel so amazing and bouncy and full of beans, and have discovered a new joi de vivre.

David also wanted to lose a few kilos and improve his health in 2014, so he started nutritional cleansing and exercising at the gym.  He sees in the New Year this year below his goal weight, and in the best health of his life.  Well done David on getting your mojo back!


If your new year resolution is to lose weight and improve your health and well being, come and join our team and the thousands of others that will be taking part in the Just Shift It Global Cleanse.

What's Included?

Your personal 30 Day cleanse and nutrition pack sent straight to your door + all the support you need:  personal coaching, a closed Facebook group, weekly inspiration and motivation calls, plus the support of our blog page that will provide tips, advice and inspiration on your journey to optimum health.


The Global cleanse kicks off on 12th January, so we'd need to process your order by 5th January to guarantee that you can start on the same day as everyone else.  But if you want to start before or after this date no problem - this is your journey and you have to do what works best for you.

Next Steps? If you'd like to find out more about what's involved, please get in touch with us by sending us a personal message, or via email to

Let us help you bring your sexy back :)


A New Year's Resolution Worth Making


Affirming 2015 with Motivational Quotes and Affirmations