10 Tips for Detoxing your Every Day
Health mummymojo Health mummymojo

10 Tips for Detoxing your Every Day

Toxins enter our worlds by what we eat, drink, breathe in, and process in any way. In fact a build-up of toxins can often be the underlying cause of disease. With all the hype about detoxes circulating today, it can be overwhelming to know how to detox the right way. So how do you minimise the toxins that come into your life, and maximise the toxins that go out?

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The Benefits of Oil Pulling
Health mummymojo Health mummymojo

The Benefits of Oil Pulling

If you haven't heard of oil pulling, at first read, you may think it sounds a bit far fetched. I know I once did! But, I've learned that you should never knock it until you try it. Oil pulling, also known as "kavala" or "gundusha," is an ancient Ayurvedic dental technique that involves swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth on an empty stomach for around 15 minutes - or as long as you can manage!

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