Enzyme Juicing

Consuming fresh vegetable juices can be an easy way to meet your daily vegetable requirements.

Doing so requires the use of a juicer, which extracts juice out of fruits and vegetables through using different methods, depending on the type of juicer.

One benefit of juicing your vegetables is the preservation of important enzymes found in vegetables, which are destroyed or significantly reduced during cooking.

Enzyme Facts

Enzymes act as catalysts to chemical reactions that occur in your body. Such chemical reactions include processes that metabolize food, lessen toxin accumulation, aid in digestion, and produce cellular energy.

Your body produces enzymes naturally, though your enzyme supply must be replenished.

HealthMad.com notes that without a proper supply of enzymes, the body uses enzymes that are stored in your organs, thus slowing down metabolic functions.


Your body can receive enzymes from fresh vegetables and fruits. However, once vegetables are cooked at 118 degrees, they loose their enzyme content.

Processed or microwaved vegetables are also deficient in enzymes. As such, your body needs additional enzymes when eating cooked or processed foods.

Eating raw or very lightly cooked vegetables is the best way for your body to obtain the enzymes it needs to function properly.

Consequently, juicing raw vegetables enables you to consume all of the enzymes available in a fruit and likely in greater quantities than when eaten normally.


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