Curious About Detoxing? This FREE 3-Day Mojo Reboot Is For You

If you’ve been curious about detoxing and wanting a risk-free way to take a closer look, you’ll be excited to know that you can now sample one of my popular detox programs for free!

That’s right. I have created a FREE 3-Day Mojo Reboot, so you can give it a test-drive and see if it is right for you.

When I first began my journey to wellness some ten years ago, I was overwhelmed and stressed out with the demands of juggling a corporate career with motherhood, and exhausted with trying to be all things to all people. I felt unwell every day - I had pain, brain fog, stomach issues, and I barely had enough energy to get through the day. I had lost my mojo in a big way!

It was only when I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue, and eventually Lyme’s disease, that I realised I needed to take my health into my own hands. It was during this journey of healing and recovery that I discovered the benefits of detoxing.

At the time, I had no idea that detoxing would be the single, most important thing I could do for my overall health, for my energy levels, my happiness, my enjoyment of motherhood and my engagement in a fulfilling life!

Today I am passionate about sharing the benefits of detoxing in my programs and clinic with mums who are stressed out, overwhelmed and struggling to feel their best selves.

Not only is it transformational in helping mums achieve their health and weight goals, it is also instrumental in giving them the energy and drive to lead a life full of purpose, passion and joy.

There are SO MANY BENEFITS of detoxing, but there is much more to it than just taking a break from alcohol once a year or drinking green juices. And I want everyone to know how good it feels!

That’s why I have created the FREE 3-Day Mojo Reboot, so you can test drive a 3-day sample of one of my popular detoxes, AND get a bonus 15% discount off any of our health coaching packages or clinic treatments.

In your FREE 3-Day Mojo Reboot I give you a sneak peak inside my brand new 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan. You’ll get 3 days of delicious, detoxifying summer breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes. Plus you’ll get a handy shopping list and meal plan to make things as easy for busy mums as possible. I’m also including some of my favourite, most effective daily detox tips and tools to help boost your results and turbocharge your mojo to another level!

Got a specific health goal?

Whether you’d like to reduce your sugar intake, eat more plant- based meals, cut back on the coffee or drink more water, the FREE 3-Day Mojo Reboot provides you the opportunity to kick start some new healthy habits.

After your FREE 3-Day Mojo Reboot you will find your energy has been renewed, you can focus better, and you’re starting to sleep more restfully. You’ll probably also have lost a kilo or two! It contains everything you need to press reboot, revitalise your body, and kickstart some new, healthy habits too.

It’s no exaggeration to say that detoxing transformed my health and my life…and I’m so excited to share this FREE 3-Day Reboot with you so you can experience a taster of it too.


Love Ames xx


Ingredients to include in a healthy smoothie


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