How to change unhealthy habits that aren't serving you anymore

Do you want to change some unhealthy habits that aren't serving you anymore, but you're not sure how to do it?

Just by taking a first step, any small step, you will have enacted change, and be on your way to getting healthy and losing weight.

So what if you want this, but you are reluctant to take that first step because you don't feel ready?

Because it feels like too big a commitment?

That it's all just too hard with everything going on at this time of year?

Allow me to allay your fears.

I am passionate about my clients achieving sustainable, positive change.

It's NEVER about being perfect.

We're all human.

We all make mistakes.

That's why my motto is "Progress not perfection".

Being perfect is IMPOSSIBLE, and the sooner we can connect with that truth the better.

I am not perfect. NONE of us are.

Striving for perfection is unrealistic and damaging, and sets us up for failure because it’s simply not possible.

So in case you need to hear this message today, here’s the red hot truth: You don’t need to be ‘perfect’. You are worthy and good enough just by the fact of your very existence.

You are unique, beautiful, and perfectly imperfect.

All you need to do is take simple steps towards achieving something that your heart desires, that makes it sing!

So with this in mind, is there still something holding you back? Could it be....

  • you have a Valentine's Day dinner or birthday celebration that's in the middle of the program and you're worried about sticking with it?

  • you don't quite feel ready yet to give up that one major vice (coffee, booze, sleep, chocolate...)?

  • you think it's going to take up too much of your time, and you're already a very busy mum juggling many balls in the air?

  • you feel pressure to do every step perfectly and you will compare yourself to others?

If you answered YES to any of these, it is likely your limiting beliefs driving it.

I get it, because I buy into these sometimes.

Your limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns are often driven by that annoying voice in your head that tells you; "you're not good enough, ...worthy enough, ...skinny enough..."

And you're powerless to change it, and that's that!"

I'm sorry, but that's rubbish. It really is.

It isn't who YOU truly are, and it isn't what YOU need to buy into anymore.

The era Covid has thrown many things up in the air and your circumstances may have changed.

However, it is only YOU who can choose to ignore that "inner-critic voice" and make another CHOICE.

One that brings you an abundance of health, energy and mojo into your life. And it all starts by taking that first, crucial first step.

You could start by changing one negative habit like;

  • take your daily caffeine intake from 4 cups a day to 1 small cup;

  • swap out your daily chocolate bar for a healthier sugar-hit alternative;

  • start cooking healthier meals at home during the week;

  • eat plant-based meals every lunch time;

  • cut back on having wine until the weekends or having spritzers instead;

  • meal prep for an hour each Sunday to support healthy eating during the week;

  • take on a relaxing morning practice to reduce feelings of stress;

  • drink warm lemon & ACV water first thing every day;

  • take on a few positive sleep habits to get better quality sleep...

You get the picture.

By changing one of your habits, the one that's been irking you the most, you can make REAL, POSITIVE CHANGE TO YOUR HEALTH.

Honestly, you can.

It often only takes that one change to inspire and motivate you to change other things, and then steadily over time your life transforms.

One step at a time.

This is how I did it. This is how my clients do it, and it works.

Do not apply pressure to be PERFECT.

Try changing your mindset to a "growth mindset" rather than a "fixed mindset".

This way even more is possible, and without all the "self-judgement" and the "giving up because what you are striving for is impossible".

YOU instead of your mindless habitual behaviours make the choice.

YOU take the steps to cut down or stop completely.

YOU are in charge of the choices, which can lead to feelings of empowerment and self-motivation.

Which can lead to letting go of the stress, fatigue, lack of self-care, sluggishness and weight gain.

It’s time to put yourself on the top of your list of priorities.

Take that first step and sign up to the 28-Day Summer Body Meal Plan today. Still got questions? Check out the FAQs here.

I am waiting to welcome you with open arms.


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