Make 2016 the year to get your mojo back

Who else always gets really excited at this time of year? After the long build-up to Christmas we’re thankful that it’s over!

Excited to take the tree and decorations down, clear the fridge of rich food, and move on with excitement and a clean slate into a new year.

Some time ago at Mummy Mojo we gave up on New Year Resolutions that seemed to rely too much on willpower and set us up for eventual failure.

Instead, we start with a broad goal, and replace New Year Resolutions with a Bucket List of achievable, motivating actions to help bring us nearer to that goal.

Now instead of dreading it we find ourselves getting genuinely excited!!

Unsurprisingly, we both share the same goal for 2016 – TO HAVE OUR MOST MOJO-FILLED YEAR YET!

Here's some of whats on each of our bucket lists for 2016:

Cook up a Sunday storm in the kitchen. Make it a weekly tradition with the music on, the kids helping out with their aprons on, to cook up roast meat for use in the week in sandwiches (a good alternative to highly processed hams), wiz up some bliss balls for a sweet and healthy treat, create a couple of large dishes for freezing and eating during the week, wash and prep a load of veggies and fruits for the week ahead for instant snacks.

Create a "stop doing" list!This year I am going to apply disciplined thought around how to allocate the most precious of all resources: time! I will say "no" to anything that is not meeting my key goals and priorities for the years, which includes achieving optimum health for myself and as many Mums and families as possible!

Seek out a charity fitness challenge and get a team of friends to do it with me. It’s a reason to move my ass every day, spend quality time with friends, and do something for others.

Devote 30 minutes a day to my sacred essentials. Right now my essentials are positive affirmations, stretching, meditation and a coffee in peace.

More music less TV. Music inspires, moves, motivates and invigorates me. I need me some more of that!

Do something new. Camping is a bit of a fear of mine, but the kids are so desperate to do it. I love the idea of waking up in nature, no electronics, making our own fun, learning new skills – I just need to get used to the idea of zero comforts, and spiders!

Help as many women get their mojo back as possible! This is on both of our Mojo Bucket Lists! A vital element of having a mojo-filled life is doing something that matters to you. Something you really care about, that lights you up from the inside. Helping mums get their mojo back is our passion, which is why we have written the 10 Steps to Getting Your Mojo Back. It will be available as an ebook at the end of January, our free gift to our Mummy Mojo tribe, and we hope you will help us share it with as many mums as possible.

Kids meditation_n

If you got to the end of 2015 feeling exhausted, unhealthy, disappointed or unfulfilled, why don't you make it your goal to have a more Mojo-Filled 2016?

hanging out

Why is getting your Mojo back so important?

Our mojo is our true sense of self.  Our health, happiness, confidence, peace, dreams, and passions - the things that make you YOU!

The first step is to put your own needs on equal top of your priority list.

To know that it is not just OK but absolutely vital to take time out to cater to your own health, wellbeing and happiness, whether that be in mind, body or spirit.

Blissed out

When you allow yourself to give yourself what YOU need, you become open to joy, abundance, opportunity and fulfillment.

It’s our goal at Mummy Mojo to inspire, encourage and empower you take the steps to fill your mojo cup, and keep it topped up for good.

Our new eBook ‘10 Steps to Getting Your Mojo Back’, our free gift to you in 2016, launches in just a couple of weeks.

To celebrate, we are excited to share a sneak peak of the Mojo Manifesto, the 10 key lifestyle principles that we believe are the key to living a life full of mojo:


This manifesto will help you identify the areas you need to focus on when putting together your bucket list for 2016.

Print it out, screen save it, frame it, put it somewhere where you will see it every day.

We want you to have a happy, healthy and mojo-filled 2016.

We sincerely hope it is a full one.

Full of fun.

Full of laughter.

Full of adventure.

Full of beauty.

Full of love.

Full of Mojo.


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