Mummy Mojo's new career girl Kylie Butler talks health, career, and living an inspired life

Anyone who has seen Kylie Butler's Facebook page will agree she knows a thing or two about motivating and inspiring you to get the dream job! But what is most impressive about the Sydney-based founder of Inspired Careers Coaching, besides her obvious beauty and go-getter attitude, is her passion for getting mums into top jobs by encouraging them to utilise their parenting skills - leadership, time management, and problem solving capabilities. She's as stunning as she is hard-working! And doesn't Mummy Mojo just love her for that!

For all those reasons and many more, we’re thrilled that Kylie will be joining forces with Mummy Mojo. Watch this space for our exciting collaboration, coming soon…

Here, Kylie reveals what gets her mojo flowing by sharing her daily health and happiness routine, with some top tips on how mums can land that dream job…

Motto or mantra you live or work by:

Meglio avere rimorsi che rimpianti - It's better to have remorse than regrets. Since my time in Italy I've lived by this motto. I'd rather take a risk and leap and make a mistake, than not take that chance and live wondering. Wow, I think I've just confused a few idioms there but I think you know what I mean.

How do you nourish your mind, body and spirit? Talk us through your day on a plate.

I start the day off with hot water and lemon. Breakfast is almost always organic vanilla yogurt, mixed berries sprinkled with, coconut flakes chia seeds, flaxseed and muesli. Mid morning in either a soy chai latte or a skinny cap (just phasing out my use of equal and replacing this with coconut sugar). Lunch is often brown rice sushi or salmon or ham and ego and avocado on corn thins. An afternoon snack is generally a muesli bar or a freddo frog. Dinner is generally a mixed salad and pasta or some flavoursome combination of protein and brown rice or veggies. Followed by some yummy Lindt chocolate. That's an average day during the week. On the weekend I'm not as healthy. :-). I might have a healthy brunch but then pizza or take away for dinner.

I nourish my spirit by starting the day with a very positive routine. I start the day with some creative visualisations of happiness and success, while I'm still in a half awake sleepy state. Some mornings I meditate for ten minutes before getting out of bed. I then set a positive intention for the day, jump out of bed and either go for a beach run, hit the gym or if it's a really frantic day do a few exercises and yoga moves. I subscribe to lots of uplifting reading and try to squeeze in a bit before bed. I'm fascinated by positive psychology and read whatever I can get my hands on. I finish the day meditating for 10 - 20 minutes. Either in the morning or before bed I journal ten gratitudes. I'll be honest though, sometimes I go out a have a few vinos and my morning routine goes out the window! I make sure I make time to play, I think it's equally as important for the soul.

What do you do to get your mojo flowing?

The beach!! My morning run, putting my feet in the water, staring out at the ocean always gets me inspired! I also thrive off the energy of others and ensure I surround myself with energisers. Reading and TED talks also inspire me. Eating well is also a passion and when I create beautiful healthy meals I feel like I'm nourishing my soul.

With so much on your plate, how do you balance into your life? How do you chill out when you’re busy?

Good question! I'll be honest and say I struggle with balance. I do make sure I don't say yes to too much on the weekends. I used to go to the opening of an envelope, and work till 2am, not any more, I'm pretty selective with how I use my time and make sure I have quality down-time on the weekends.

Tell us about your business and why you started it?

I have a career coaching business, Inspired Careers. The objective of my businesses is to help individuals live a purposeful life in a career that's aligned to their passions and talents. In 2011 I found myself working in a senior position in HR (specifically Talent Attraction) and I was working for a company to which my values were far from aligned. I wanted to use my skills for good and not evil and was inspired to go out on my own and help people find jobs that would make there hearts sing! Life is too short not to be in a job that you love.

What do you like about being in business for yourself?

I love being the master of my own destiny. I love the flexibility. I work a lot more but it's on my terms and I can travel a a lot more - which I do. As much fun as it is traveling in peak hour, being tied to a desk from 8am - 6pm under Florissant lighting and engaging in office politics, I have to say I like doing it my way instead :-).

What are your top tips to mums for securing the job of their dreams?

To not undersell themselves in short! Taking time out is not something you need to make excuses for. It is still a candidate short market. Tactically, have a strong LinkedIn profile and ensure the summery section really encapsulates who you are and what unique talents you can bring to a role.

Some new mums can feel inadequate or self-concious about going back to work, what’s your advice to them?

It can be a daunting prospect I understand. My advice is to be prepared with a solid CV and LinkedIn profile and speak to a coach or mentor to be prepared for interviews. I'd also suggest they engage with one or two reputable recruitment agencies.

What tools would you say are the most important these days in getting a desirable job (eg. LinkedIn)?

Unquestionably LinkedIn. It also depends on what industry you work in, you may need to have profiles across other platforms, for example The Loop. If someone gets their LinkedIn profile right though, with key words and content they can just sit back and wait for the employers and recruiters to contact them. The job market has changed and 95% of companies use LinkedIn for recruitment now.

Want more career inspiration and advice? Visit Inspired Careers Coaching, the new online site that helps individuals to reach their career potential and create personal wealth.


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