The Benefits of Castor Oil Packs

Ever wondered about how you can safely and cheaply detox your body, from the comforts of your own home?

I have a great solution to share with you, one that has helped me greatly on my healing and wellness journey.

To help heal health issues, and aid in effective detoxification, I recommend castor oil packs to my clients. They are a cost effective and simple treatment that can easily be done at home and produce a wide variety of health benefits.

Castor oil is extremely high in ricinoleic acid, which studies show to be responsible for health-promoting abilities. It has been even been shown to be particularly supportive to the lymphatic system, which in turn helps improve digestion, boost immune function, and reduce swelling and inflammation.

Some of the health benefits include:

  • Powerful anti-inflammatory effects

  • Helps alleviate UTIs

  • Helps calm and heal IBS

  • Enhances the immune system by boosting lymphocytes

  • Stimulates liver and lymphatic function; unblocks stagnant bile and lymph flow

  • Alleviates constipation and candida (as shown in a 2013 study)

  • Helps reduce PMS and menstrual pain and cramps.


  1. Saturate a small piece of cloth (cotton or wool flannel is best) with castor oil. Using between 2 - 3 tablespoons should be efficient. If you would like to further enhance your results you can apply a few drops of a detox essential oil like lemon, grapefruit, lemongrass, bergamot.

  2. Place over your liver (or area of interest - abdomen, lungs, etc). It is best to do this a couple of hours after a meal, so last thing at night works well.

  3. Wear an old t-shirt or lie on an old towel to prevent any mess.

  4. Apply a hot water bottle or heat pack to the pack area.

  5. Sit or lay down, relaxing for 45 minutes to 1 hour. It is safe to wear overnight as well, but make sure you wrap yourself in a towel to prevent it from getting on your sheets. This is the perfect time to meditate, do a yoga nidra, or catch up on your latest Netflix show.

  6. If you buy a castor oil pack, they provide a special cloth to remove the castor oil when finished. Alternatively baking soda and water, or hair conditioner works well in removing the oil from your skin.

  7. For maximum effectiveness, apply castor oil packs 2-3 times per week in the first month or so and then once a week. A castor oil pack can also be beneficial before an enema, colonic, liver/gallbladder flush, menstrual cramps; abdominal pain; in addition to visceral massage.

  8. When finished you can store your cotton flannel cloth in a large glass jar. You can typically keep the cloth and keep reapplying castor oil for between 2-3 months.

Unlike some “detox” methods, this is not said to have any negative side effects and there are many accounts of people who noticed immediate better sleep, more energy, and clearing of skin symptoms.

To learn more about castor oil pack, including how to simply apply, check out my video tutorial, which has over 15,000 views.


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