Easy steps to stay healthy and strong
We are still in the midst of a global pandemic, which is pretty mind bogging, considering this all started more than 16 months ago!!!
Who thought we'd still be here -- and back in lockdown for those of us who are in Greater Sydney?
Certainly not me!
It’s a problem for you, and for millions of other people, sick, quarantined, stuck at home -- and at this moment nobody is certain when it’s going to end.
This says to me, this virus isn't going away anytime fast!
It's probably time that we all start taking back control of our own health, and start taking some steps to protect ourselves and our family.
To keep myself well, I'm into everything from immune support supplementation, reducing stress, and getting good quality sleep, right through to cold water therapy (think wim hof), essential oils, and Epsom salt baths, and much much more.
However, I often find that sometimes it's the simplest of steps that can be the most powerful when it comes to keeping well during these times.
If you are keen to take back control of your health this winter, or during the pandemic, here are a few quick ways:
1. Daily drink a large glass of warm lemon water (1/2 juice of a lemon) with 1/2 tsp. minced ginger first thing. This will help give your liver a boost whilst aiding digestion and boosting your immune system. If you add 1/4 tsp. of turmeric powder, this elixir will go even further towards strengthening your immune system-army, ready to face whatever is ahead of you.
2. Get moving. Do some exercise, which could be a walk around the block, a swim in the ocean, or an indoor exercise video with your family (YouTube has loads of free workout videos). Moving your body is super important to stay healthy and strong.
Each time you exercise, the activity increases the exchange of important white blood cells, which help with the body’s immune response. A recent review published in the Journal of Sport and Health Science found that inactivity can lower the function of the immune system, but engaging in a healthy lifestyle, including exercise, can help improve the immune system’s activity and may even reduce mortality rates from respiratory illnesses.
3. Eat nutrient-dense, low-inflammatory meals. If you’ve been thinking about ways to amp up your diet for a stronger immune system, now is the time. Nutrition can go a long way in supporting overall health and supporting a robust immune system.
Each time you eat, your body is flooded with substances that either increase or degrade the immune response. By removing foods that deplete immune system resources (e.g., sugar, alcohol, gluten, and refined carbohydrates) while incorporating ones that boost immune defences (e.g. vegetables, fruit, healthy fats), the body’s white blood cells receive the nourishment that they need to promote optimal immune system function.
Also consider adding immune-boosting spices like turmeric and ginger to your food to further nourish and boost your immune system.
Immunity & Metabolism Booster Juice
Orange, ginger, and lemon are all well-known immunity powerhouses.
Combining these immune boosters with carrot, celery and apple cider vinegar, this healthy juice becomes a winter elixir, loaded with Vitamin C, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties.
The juice of 1/2 lemon
2 oranges
1 carrot
1 stick celery
1/4 inch ginger root
1 tsp. apple cider vinegar (ACV)
Pinch of Himalayan salt.
1. Roughly chop the carrot, celery and ginger and toss into the blender. Peel and chop the orange and add along with the juice of the lemon. Blend until smooth.
2. Add the ACV, Himalayan salt and stir well. Topping this juice with the ACV triggers the release of a fat burning substance called AMPK, so it's great on a detox or weight loss diet!
4. Heat your body with Sauna therapy. Viruses hate heat and can die off if exposed to temperatures greater than 80°F (27°C). Infrared saunas are a great tool to use to boost your immunity naturally. A study found that a single sauna session was able to increase the number of immune cells, including white blood cells, lymphocytes, neutrophils, and basophils.
If you are interested in using sauna therapy during this time of much-needed immune-boosting, you can read more about how to get started here.
5. Epsom baths with essential oils. Besides eating nutritional food and staying hydrated, one of my favourite ways to support my immune system is with a relaxing bath using Epsom salts and essential oils.
DoTERRA is my favourite one-stop-shop for essential oils. All of their oils are 100% pure and high quality from farm to bottle. I’ve long been inspired by doTERRA’s commitment to sustainability.
Immune Booster Bath
2-3 cups of Epsom salts
4 drops of clove oil (antibacterial, anti-fungal, parasitic, and antiviral properties to help stimulate the immune system)
2 drops cinnamon oil (one of the most powerful antibacterial/antiviral among all essential oils)
2 drops Eucalyptus oil (known for its ability to break up congestion, Eucalyptus is also an anti-inflammatory for the lungs)1 drop rosemary oil (provides a boost to the immune system and can be helpful in loosening mucus clogging nasal passages).
Epsom salt and doTERRA essential oils immunity boosting bath