5 Practical Ways to Declutter and Enjoy Living With Less
Lifestyle, Inspiration Deborah Emmerson Lifestyle, Inspiration Deborah Emmerson

5 Practical Ways to Declutter and Enjoy Living With Less

There are many benefits of living with less. Most of us are living with too much stuff in our homes, which causes extra work and stress, and takes our time and attention away from the more important things in life. If you want less stress and more space but don’t know where to begin, try these 5 practical ways to declutter, and start enjoying the benefits of living with less.

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The Health Benefits of Fermented Foods
Health Amy Down Health Amy Down

The Health Benefits of Fermented Foods

Your microbiome consists of an enormous colony of bacteria, viruses, and fungi that live in your large intestine. It is basically an organ in its own right, and scientists have discovered that it heavily influences much of your health, and plays a major role in your immune system function.

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7 Ways to Practise Mindfulness as a Busy Mum
Soul Deborah Emmerson Soul Deborah Emmerson

7 Ways to Practise Mindfulness as a Busy Mum

Nowadays, mindfulness for some people is just another buzzword. But what does it actually mean, and how can you practise mindfulness as a busy mum to calm your mind and get the most out of life? This is what I will share with you today, as well as some actionable tips on incorporating small mindful habits into your everyday life as a mum.

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Creating a Non-Toxic Kitchen
Health Amy Down Health Amy Down

Creating a Non-Toxic Kitchen

The kitchen is the heart of the home—where your family spends much of its time congregating around family meals. As you are cooking, do you actually think about what you are using? In a lot of ways having a non-toxic kitchen is just as important as WHAT you’re eating.

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Step-by-Step Method to Wean off Coffee
Health Amy Down Health Amy Down

Step-by-Step Method to Wean off Coffee

In order to detox effectively and allow your liver to excrete toxins, you need to cut out caffeine. Caffeine is a powerful stimulant and a highly addictive toxin. As well as the obvious sources of coffee and tea, it is found in colas (including diet varieties), energy drinks and chocolate. You may also be surprised to find it in decaf coffee, some herbal teas like green tea, sodas such as Sunkist Orange and root beer, and even some over-the-counter medications.

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Six Strategies to Help Ease Pain and Fatigue
Health Amy Down Health Amy Down

Six Strategies to Help Ease Pain and Fatigue

I had been feeling really well for about a year, and then in February I had a relapse in health symptoms. I understand the mind-body connection, so I could appreciate that the collective trauma and stress around the Coronavirus, and the changes in our life, likely contributed to this.

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Simple Ways to Boost Your Immune System this Winter
Health Amy Down Health Amy Down

Simple Ways to Boost Your Immune System this Winter

Now that winter has hit and cold and flu season is upon us, one of the best things you can do for yourself and your loved ones is to get your immune system running optimally, and there are simple ways to boost your immune system this winter. When it comes to fighting off harmful infections like coronavirus, your immune system is the most effective weapon you have. Like a well-trained army, your immune system is designed to quickly spring into action at the "sound" of danger.

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11 Ways To Reduce Your Kids Exposure to Harmful Toxic Chemicals
Deborah Emmerson Deborah Emmerson

11 Ways To Reduce Your Kids Exposure to Harmful Toxic Chemicals

Our modern world means we are all exposed to toxins and chemicals on a regular basis. Some are beyond our control, but many actually come from within the home, which means that there is a lot we can do to reduce our kids exposure to these harmful toxic chemicals.

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Ten Simple Mindfulness Activities For Kids
Soul, Health Deborah Emmerson Soul, Health Deborah Emmerson

Ten Simple Mindfulness Activities For Kids

Ask any parent if they’d like their child to be able to focus their attention on a task without distraction, calm themselves down when they are anxious or angry, or be kind to other children, and the answer would be a resounding yes! Mindfulness offers all these benefits and more, and can provide our children with valuable tools to help them deal with the many challenges they face growing up. Not only that, habits formed in early life shape the behaviours we adopt in adulthood. Starting at a young age with simple mindfulness activities that are kid-friendly can give our children the habit of caring for their mental health throughout their life.

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Immunity Boosting Veggie Soup
Health, Lifestyle Amy Down Health, Lifestyle Amy Down

Immunity Boosting Veggie Soup

Winter is quickly heading our way and there’s nothing quite like a big bowl of warming soup when it’s cold or you’re feeling under the weather. It’s comforting, soothing, and with the right fixings, can boost your immune system so you feel better ASAP!

Our Immunity Boosting Veggie Soup is filled with nourishing ingredients and antioxidants that your body needs to recover from bacteria and sickness.

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10 Foods to Boost Your Immunity
Health Amy Down Health Amy Down

10 Foods to Boost Your Immunity

If you’ve been thinking about ways to amp up your diet for a stronger immune system, now is the time. In the time of COVID-19, this wisdom for staying healthy is more important than ever. Nutrition goes a long way in preventing illness and supporting robust immunity. That’s why we’re providing you with a list of 10 foods to boost your immune system.

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Curious about Mindfulness? NOW’s the perfect opportunity to give it a try
Deborah Emmerson Deborah Emmerson

Curious about Mindfulness? NOW’s the perfect opportunity to give it a try

During this current COVID-19 crisis, many people are drawing on the practise of mindfulness to help them deal will the stress and overwhelm we are collectively feeling. If you are curious about how mindfulness can help you through this crisis and beyond, now’s the perfect opportunity to give it a try with our Free 7 Day Mindfulness Experience.

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Steps to Help you Cope and Stay Healthy during C-RONA
Health Amy Down Health Amy Down

Steps to Help you Cope and Stay Healthy during C-RONA

The world as we know it is changing every day, every hour, and every minute in response to COVID-19. It is resulting in huge pressure and change for many people, and the fear from this is causing some people to panic, some to get sad and depressed, and others to put their heads in the sand - like ostriches do.

At Mummy Mojo we like to focus on the silver lining, to look for the lessons, and to use times like this as an opportunity for growth and development. That’s why we’ve put together this feature and filmed a video with our steps to help you cope and stay healthy during C-RONA.

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Worried about the Coronavirus? Watch this to help with fear and stress
Health, Lifestyle Amy Down Health, Lifestyle Amy Down

Worried about the Coronavirus? Watch this to help with fear and stress

These are unusual times. No one is exempt. The Coronavirus has created hysteria with people in Australia hoarding household items like toilet paper. We are washing our hands so much the skin on our fingers is starting to flake.

We are all worried, whether we’d like to admit it or not. No-one quite knows how it will unfold, although I can’t shake the feeling that this is only the beginning and that the world at large will see a worsening before it gets better.

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Bitten by ticks and my life was never the same again
Health, Lifestyle, Inspiration Amy Down Health, Lifestyle, Inspiration Amy Down

Bitten by ticks and my life was never the same again

At the end of 2010 I was bitten by a large number of grass ticks and my life was never the same again. This encounter with these tiny creatures that gave me a bacterial infection, one that the government says doesn’t exist here, changed everything. I went from being a healthy, energetic person to not being able to get out of bed for weeks at a time because of debilitating symptoms of fatigue, muscle pain, brain fog, tinnitus, insomnia, and IBS to name but some of them.

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