Immunity Boosting Veggie Soup

When it’s cold or you’re feeling under the weather, there’s nothing quite like a big bowl of warming soup…

It’s comforting, soothing, and with the right fixings, can boost your immune system so you feel better ASAP!

My Immunity Boosting Veggie Soup is filled with nourishing ingredients, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that your body needs to recover from cold, flu, and viruses.

Here are just some of the health benefits associated with the ingredients in my soup:


Onions include the mineral selenium, which helps reduce inflammation and stimulates immune function. It has also been shown that selenium may play a part in the management of viral, inflammatory and allergic conditions.  Onions in particular help to decrease phlegm and inflammation in the nose and throat.


Used as both food and medicine, garlic gets its immune-boosting powers from a compound called allicin. Because it contains vitamins A and C, garlic is considered an excellent treatment for colds and other respiratory illnesses. It acts as a natural decongestant and expectorant and some studies have shown that if garlic is taken at the onset of a cold it can soothe symptoms and shorten the duration by as much as 50 percent.  


Celery is rich in vitamin C, which boosts the strength of the immune system.  Because of the high content of vitamin C, eating it regularly can reduce your risk of catching the common cold, as well as helping to protect against a variety of other diseases.


Carrots are an excellent source of beta carotene, which gives them that bright orange colour. One of beta carotene’s jobs is to support the body’s mucus membrane, which lines the respiratory and intestinal tracts, making it harder for bacteria to enter the bloodstream.

Booster tips!

Before you serve your soup sprinkle on top toasted activated seeds, herbs like basil, and parmesan cheese (or nutritional flakes if you’re vegan). Not only will the protein, and extra minerals and vitamins help with your recovery, it will give the soup a crunch and added flavour bomb!

I batch make our favourite soups and freeze them so that we can enjoy them throughout the week - this works particularly well with all of us working from home and the kids homeschooling.

This immune boosting soup only takes 10 minutes to prep, and 30 - 35 minutes to cook.

The next time you’re feeling sick, this veggie soup recipe will get you back to feeling fighting fit in no time!

Download the the recipe card, print it out and take with you on your next food shop. Click the image link to watch my video and cook along with Mummy Mojo.

Ps if you love this recipe, there are plenty more where this came from! Join my online automated 30-day Mojo Detox with all the winter-warming recipes you need for 30 days, along with strategies and tips to lead a low-tox lifestyle. Join me today!


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