Steps to Help you Cope and Stay Healthy during C-RONA
Health Amy Down Health Amy Down

Steps to Help you Cope and Stay Healthy during C-RONA

The world as we know it is changing every day, every hour, and every minute in response to COVID-19. It is resulting in huge pressure and change for many people, and the fear from this is causing some people to panic, some to get sad and depressed, and others to put their heads in the sand - like ostriches do.

At Mummy Mojo we like to focus on the silver lining, to look for the lessons, and to use times like this as an opportunity for growth and development. That’s why we’ve put together this feature and filmed a video with our steps to help you cope and stay healthy during C-RONA.

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Worried about the Coronavirus? Watch this to help with fear and stress
Health, Lifestyle Amy Down Health, Lifestyle Amy Down

Worried about the Coronavirus? Watch this to help with fear and stress

These are unusual times. No one is exempt. The Coronavirus has created hysteria with people in Australia hoarding household items like toilet paper. We are washing our hands so much the skin on our fingers is starting to flake.

We are all worried, whether we’d like to admit it or not. No-one quite knows how it will unfold, although I can’t shake the feeling that this is only the beginning and that the world at large will see a worsening before it gets better.

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Bitten by ticks and my life was never the same again
Health, Lifestyle, Inspiration Amy Down Health, Lifestyle, Inspiration Amy Down

Bitten by ticks and my life was never the same again

At the end of 2010 I was bitten by a large number of grass ticks and my life was never the same again. This encounter with these tiny creatures that gave me a bacterial infection, one that the government says doesn’t exist here, changed everything. I went from being a healthy, energetic person to not being able to get out of bed for weeks at a time because of debilitating symptoms of fatigue, muscle pain, brain fog, tinnitus, insomnia, and IBS to name but some of them.

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How to get your body bikini ready
Health Amy Down Health Amy Down

How to get your body bikini ready

So, I have a confession to make...I tried on a bikini in a shop this week as I have girl's trip coming up, and I thought it might be nice to have a new swimsuit to wear.

But, boy was I wrong! I realised a little too late that my body wasn’t swimsuit ready!

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Why Cleanse? Because we are toxic!
Health mummymojo Health mummymojo

Why Cleanse? Because we are toxic!

Why cleanse? Because we are toxic! We ingest, apply, absorb and breath toxins everyday. Stress in our bodies also acts as a toxin. Our bodies are self-cleansing machines but were never designed to process all these new chemicals we find in our environment today.

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How to get Happy, Healthy and Hot!
Health Amy Down Health Amy Down

How to get Happy, Healthy and Hot!

Becoming a mum usually comes with a side order of stubborn weight gain, sleep deprivation, brain fog, stress and exhaustion. Coffee, sugary treats, fast food and wine often become our crutches to get through the day. The problem is that each of these things, whilst providing temporary relief, actually contribute to all the side effects that led you to them in the first place.

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5G Wireless and its Impact on your health
Health Amy Down Health Amy Down

5G Wireless and its Impact on your health

My son and I are electro-sensitive, which came about when we were bitten by ticks and diagnosed with Lyme's disease, otherwise known as tick-borne illness. Being electro-sensitive is linked with symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, dizziness, depression, memory impairment, muscle pain, heart palpitations, and breathing difficulties.

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8 reasons to have an infrared sauna
Health Amy Down Health Amy Down

8 reasons to have an infrared sauna

Use of a FIR sauna has a cumulative effect on the body; that daily use magnifies its benefits. Your first experience in an FIR sauna will give some benefit. After several days and then weeks, detoxification, weight loss, immune building and other benefits will increase dramatically.

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Tongue scraping, Ayurvedic self-care ritual
Health Amy Down Health Amy Down

Tongue scraping, Ayurvedic self-care ritual

Did know nearly half oral bacteria live on & deep crevices of our tongue? Scraping the tongue with a tongue scraper collects toxic tongue coatings (range colour white, yellow, or green) and removes them to stop them being absorbed into the body.

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Simple steps to detox your home
Health Amy Down Health Amy Down

Simple steps to detox your home

Did you know that minimising your toxic load is vital in maintaining a healthy gut? Toxins and chemicals that are breathed in and absorbed through the skin have to be dealt with by your gut’s immune system. By taking the load off the good guys, this will free them up to do all of the health promoting duties on their to-do-list.

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Limber up your Lymph
Health Amy Down Health Amy Down

Limber up your Lymph

The lymphatic system is a circulatory system made up of lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes. Twice as big as the circulatory system, it is a network of tubes throughout the body and has twice the number of lymph vessels to blood vessels.

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Top Ten Fitness Tips for Busy Parents
Lifestyle, Health Amy Down Lifestyle, Health Amy Down

Top Ten Fitness Tips for Busy Parents

The excuse people most often make for not exercising is "lack of time," but the truth is, we're all busy. Especially as parents. We all have commitments. We all have obligations. We're all a bit tired and run down, some of the time. It's up to us to choose to prioritise our life differently and prioritise exercise as part of it.

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Health Benefits of Epsom Salt Baths
Health Amy Down Health Amy Down

Health Benefits of Epsom Salt Baths

Epsom salt baths are a nourishing and relaxing way to detoxify and cleanse your body and your mind. In fact, it's one of my favourite ways to relax after a long day.  Slipping into a steaming tub of what is basically magnesium is one of the best ways to ease a sore and aching body as well as relieve stress, anxiety and insomnia.

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Six ways to support a liver cleanse
Health Amy Down Health Amy Down

Six ways to support a liver cleanse

Your liver is a key, frontline immune protector. One of its many roles is to detect pathogens entering the body via your gut—and then capture and clear bacteria, viruses, and toxins. It is the “CEO of detoxification”, and that’s why it needs a liver cleanse. I recommend you do this at least one a year, and here are six ways to support a liver cleanse.

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The Power of Drinking Water
Health Amy Down Health Amy Down

The Power of Drinking Water

Water is the eternal life-force, all living entities thrive on water. Water is one of the most important, and easiest, changes a person can make in their health. In fact, if there is just one change you can commit to today, choose drinking more water (half your body weight in ounces each day, to be exact).

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