Limber up your Lymph

The lymphatic system is a circulatory system made up of lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes.

Twice as big as the circulatory system, it is a network of tubes throughout the body and has twice the number of lymph vessels to blood vessels. The blood vessels carries nutrients and oxygen to our cells and at the same time, the lymphatic system carries the wastes, toxins and excess fluids away from our cells. It is basically your body’s inner drainage system.

If the lymphatic system is overburdened from a poor diet, a toxic bowel, free radicals, or if it isn’t moving due to shallow breathing and lack of exercise, it cannot effectively remove trapped toxins and excess fluid.

Signs that your lymphatic system is overloaded can include; acne, itchy skin, lack of energy, brain fog, swollen lymph nodes, recurrent sore throats, mucus in the morning, ear popping or ringing, constipation, unable to lose weight, stiffness in the morning, bloating, pain or pressure or stiffness along spine or shoulders.

Your lymphatic system is critical for a healthy immune system and for protecting you from illness. When your body is fighting inflammation and bacteria, your body is creating more white blood cells to fight them. These can end up filling up your lymph nodes, backing up the system, and creating swelling.

A poorly functioning lymphatic system is also a risk factor for the development of chronic diseases.

In a nutshell, the lymphatic system's top job is to keep the tissue spaces clean. It flushes out the toxins and ‘puts the garbage out’. Maintaining free flow of your lymphatic system is one of the most crucial things you can do to maintain your health.

Detoxification tips to improve the lymphatic system

Short burst exercise

One of the most effective ways to maximise lymph drainage, that is free, cheap and you can do anytime is — exercise. Walking, running, aerobics, and pretty much any exercise is a great way to get your lymphatic system going.

One of the best and most effective ways is to use a mini trampoline as the lymphatic system loves short bursts of exercise. Rebounding promotes the flow of lymph through your body, and can increase the drainage of fluids and the removal of toxins. All you need to do is rebound on a trampoline for 10 minutes a day. If you don't have one of these, skipping with a jump rope at medium intensity for 10 minutes is also effective, as is bouncing on a pilates ball for 10 minutes a day.

Nutrition and herbs to support your lymphatic system

Eating certain foods can support the healthy functioning of your lymph system. Key nutrients for lymphatic health can be found in foods such as flax seeds, lemons, sea kelp, dark green veggies, radish, and garlic.

Adaptogenic herbs can also be very beneficial for lymphatic health. Some of the herbs I recommend include; dandelion, slippery elm back, astragalus root, burdock root, parsley and goldenseal. Taking milk thistle tablets while on a detox for your liver, will also also support lymphatic health.

Infrared sauna 

One of the best things you can do for your lymphatic system is to do regular infrared saunas. The infrared heat penetrates deep into the body tissue engaging the detoxification and elimination process. This helps moves stagnant fluid and toxins through the skin and improve the drainage of the lymphatic system.

Deep breathing

Doing deep diaphragmatic breathing facilitates proper lymph movement and detoxification.

To practice deep breathing, breathe deeply through your nose for two counts, hold it in for four counts, then exhale for four counts through your mouth. Gradually increase how long you hold and release your breath until you can hold for 20 counts and exhale for 10 counts. Repeat this two to three times per session. Practice three times a day for the best results.

Lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage massage supports ongoing detoxification by increasing the capacity of the lymphatic collateral vessels. The massage can increase lymph flow up to 25 times the usual rate.

Lymphatic drainage massage is a manual technique that uses a range of gentle rhythmic pumping techniques of light pressure to move the skin in the direction of the lymph flow. This stimulates the lymphatic vessels that carry substances vital to the defence of the body and removes waste products. Sometimes, aromatherapy oils such as carrot, black pepper and sweet fennel are used for their diuretic properties.


Rapid changes in body temperature, which stimulate increased circulation of both blood and lymph, are a key attribute of hydrotherapy. Exposure to sessions of heat and cold is facilitated by therapies such as hot baths, cold plunge pools, high-powered jets of hot and cold water, wading pools, foot baths, steam rooms, wet sheet packs, the application of compresses and showers, to name a few.

A simple way to do hydrotherapy, and it's free, is to have hot/cold alternatives showers. For 30 seconds you have a cold shower, then turn on the hot and spend 30 seconds in a hot shower, back and forth, around 4 - 10 times - which you can build up too. This will open up the lymphatics and support detoxification.

Colon hydrotherapy

A colonic treatment usually takes around 30–45 minutes, with a practitioner operating the equipment for the duration of the treatment. During the treatment, warm, purified water at low pressure gently bathes the length of the colon, softening accumulated waste and dislodging stuck faecal deposits. Heat packs and external abdominal massage may be used to assist in the release of waste.

Check out our 30-Day Mojo Detox for more detoxification tips and strategies.


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