Tongue scraping, Ayurvedic self-care ritual


Did know nearly half oral bacteria live on & deep crevices of our tongue? 

When you sleep, the digestive system remains awake, removing toxins from body depositing them on the surface of the tongue. In fact, the tongue is a great environment for bacteria to thrive, particularly the region towards the back of your mouth!

And, if you think about it, the oral cavity is one of the main passages between your body and the environment, so maintaining proper oral hygiene makes a lot of sense for our overall wellness.

Sounds gross doesn't it? So what can you do about it?

There's an Ayurvedic practice called tongue scraping that helps get rid of the toxic debris on your tongue.  By scraping away the toxins from your tongue, first thing in the morning, it prevents them from being reabsorbed by body which can lead to digestive problems and a compromised immune system.

Other benefits it's said to include are:

  • Significantly reduces and removes oral bacteria from areas of the tongue

  • Improves the smell of your breath

  • Removes build-up from the surface tongue and opens up pores

  • Exposes taste buds for better enjoyment of food flavours

  • Helps the body digest and assimilate food better

  • Promotes general tooth gum health.

What's not to like?

So how do you use a tongue scraper?

Scrape your tongue by simply holding the two ends of the scraper with both hands.  Stick out your tongue and place scraper as far back as it will go. Use firm but gentle pressure and scrape your tongue with one long stroke. Rinse the scraper and repeat until your tongue feels clean and free of coating (around 5 to 10 times).

Once you start this practice, it will easily and effortlessly become part of your morning routine. 

Tongue scrapers are inexpensive and can be found in most health food stores and online. I like and use Dr Tung's tongue scraper as it made from stainless steel with the perfect curved edge to help remove bacteria and plaque on the tongue's surface

Tongue scraping helps manage the balance between a healthy mouth and a healthy YOU!

If you, like me, want to clean out the blahs, shed the exhaustion, and purge yourself of the comforting foods you ingested over the year, then join me in one of my group programs! If you miss it don’t worry, we run an automated detox program all year round with seasonal recipe books, shopping lists, and meal planners.

There’s no excuse to hibernate over the winter anymore.and ready for you right HERE in our online store. You are supported throughout and you will be motivated and inspired to reduce the toxic load in your environment, your lifestyle and your relationships, so the whole family will benefit.

Join me now!



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