A journey of recovery and getting back to health with detoxing

I wasn't always so switched on when it comes to health and wellness. 

I was once (very) young, strong, and filled with passion and energy. Ready to take on the world at a moment’s notice.

I was known as the POCKET ROCKET!

I was all of this, until I wasn’t…

It was when motherhood started that my sleep, diet, exercise, ‘me time’, yoga, meditation, all started to slip. Over time it got worse with adrenal fatigue, sleepless nights, and chronic hives.

It then turned ugly. I ended up sick and terrified, suffering from a disease that had me in bed for weeks at a time.

Think of a time when you were not just tired, but really exhausted. Maybe you were up all night studying for a test. Maybe you were up multiple times to feed a baby or take care of a sick child. Maybe it was the flu or strep throat.

Imagine being exhausted like that all day while you're trying to work, take care of kids, clean the house, cook dinner, etc. For most people, one or two good night's sleep would take that feeling away.

I’ve come a long way, but I’m still not there…

Due to a life threatening blood infection in November last year, I’m having to be more mindful about my health and happiness again.

Prior to this my health was on an upward trajectory so there’s been a bit of “why me, again?” 

But, then I was reminded about all the wonderful health and wellness tools, methods, and techniques I know because of this journey. No matter what cards I’d been dealt with, I’d made the most of them. I am in charge of my well-being. No one else. 

In the beginning it was pretty overwhelming with so many different diets (paleo, Mediterranean, ketogenic, carb free, sugar free…), treatments and therapies (infra red saunas, ionic foot baths, hypnotherapy, EFT, meditation, cryotherapy, enemas, acupuncture, ozone therapy, hyperthermia…and trust me the list goes on…).

I finally started to make sense of it all and I had an ‘AH-HA’ realisation. Detoxing my life, not just my body, was the key to getting back to full health. 

That’s why I developed the 30-Day detox, and why it takes you on a journey incorporating body, mind, environment, spiritual and emotional changes into your life.

Because ALL of these matter if you want to live you best, healthiest, happiest life!

With the 30-Day Mojo Detox you will set a new pattern and direction for your life. You will take new, healthy steps every day, across different areas of your life, and it will do wonders for your health, weight and wellbeing.

It is not about counting calories, carbs or fats, it's about choosing foods from a place of wanting to nourish your body and your cells on a deep level.

A detox doesn’t have to be expensive or inconvenient. With our 30 day online program, you can do a cost effective and low pressure program that is professional and well supported.

We do not promote fad products or potions, we show you how to detox using real food and techniques to not only detox your diet but your whole environment.

I would love the honour of supporting you to make the changes you so desire.

Wherever you are on your health journey I know we can help.

You’ve just got to go for it and take that first step….

What are you waiting for?



8 reasons to have an infrared sauna


Could Adrenal Fatigue be why you are so exhausted?