How To Maintain Not Gain at Christmas
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How To Maintain Not Gain at Christmas

During the Christmas holiday season, I plan to eat and drink and enjoy myself too much. I adore Christmas for this very reason, and will not be abstaining from a single thing I love (yes chocolate waffles, I'm talking about you!). But that doesn’t mean I want a two week blow-out with a side order of guilt, self-loathing and four extra kilos to see in the New Year with.

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Food that feeds the soul
Lifestyle, Health mummymojo Lifestyle, Health mummymojo

Food that feeds the soul

On the Sunday before we left, they kindly offered to look after our kids and suggested we go for lunch at an organic cafe, right in the heart of Newcastle. And boy was I happy with their recommendation! Soul Foods Cafe make food that feeds the body and nourishes the soul. You feel assured that the life your food has led has been a wholesome, healthy and happy one. Soul Foods is the labour of love of Meg Garnham. Meg and her team create clean food. Food that has no colours, no chemicals and no GMO (genetically modified organism).

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Manuka Biotic, Natural Wisdom for Therapeutic Benefits
Health, Lifestyle mummymojo Health, Lifestyle mummymojo

Manuka Biotic, Natural Wisdom for Therapeutic Benefits

Since I started researching about and using natural and organic beauty products a few years ago, I’ve come to a few conclusions. Making healthier decisions in any regard (eating healthier foods, exercising more or using natural products) is an ongoing process, and a necessary one. As a consumer, you have to make choices every day about what’s best for you and your family, and I believe that even the smallest trade-offs are worth it. I believe that natural beauty is part of being healthy.

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10 Tips for Detoxing your Every Day
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10 Tips for Detoxing your Every Day

Toxins enter our worlds by what we eat, drink, breathe in, and process in any way. In fact a build-up of toxins can often be the underlying cause of disease. With all the hype about detoxes circulating today, it can be overwhelming to know how to detox the right way. So how do you minimise the toxins that come into your life, and maximise the toxins that go out?

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6 Habits For Better Sleep
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6 Habits For Better Sleep

I can always tell when I've not been getting enough sleep. Apart from the obvious of feeling tired pretty much as soon as I wake up, I also feel like I'm hungover when I'm not (which is so not fair!), I get headaches, I'm over-emotional and I'm cranky.

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In Need of a Digtial Detox?
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In Need of a Digtial Detox?

I don't always have the healthiest relationship with technology. Endlessly scanning social media sites. Incessantly checking emails. Texting, calling, Face-timing. Using the laptop in bed. Constantly connected, and not on a personal level. Harvard Medical School scientists have found that switching off from technology every so often can offer a myriad of health benefits from physical to mental health. I decided to embark on a "digital detox" and exploring what else I could do if I 'powered down' for a day.

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Fear, is it all in the Mind?
Health, Soul mummymojo Health, Soul mummymojo

Fear, is it all in the Mind?

Frank Herbert sums up fear nicely in his quote: “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

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6 Tips to D-Stress and Lose Weight
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6 Tips to D-Stress and Lose Weight

To be successful at weight loss and the prevention of weight gain, it is vital that you find ways to manage stress. Otherwise, you leave yourself open to some of the negative effects of stress. In my case, long-term stress led to a lowered immune system, which in turn made me susceptible to everything, including chronic fatigue syndrome.

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7 Steps to a Sharp Immune System
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7 Steps to a Sharp Immune System

If I were to ask you what your immune system does for you, you’d probably say that it helps protect you against viruses and infections. That’s true, but protection against a cold or bronchitis is just a drop in the bucket for what it does.

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10 Reasons for Cutting out Coffee while Cleansing
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10 Reasons for Cutting out Coffee while Cleansing

Coffee. Just the word makes me feel happy. In fact I am sure I was Italian in a past life. It’s an essential part of my day, it makes me who I am. In fact, it’s right up there with showering and brushing my teeth as a daily necessity. But more enjoyable! While many may laugh at my obsession, others will nod their head in agreement.

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How to Stop Fighting CFS and Start Working with it
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How to Stop Fighting CFS and Start Working with it

I used to battle with Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia and Lymes Disease. After many years of failing to get better I decided to take a fully holistic approach to my healing. I became very passionate about my health and wellbeing and no amount of perceived "fun" was worth it anymore.

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Is going Organic Worth it?
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Is going Organic Worth it?

Sales of organic food are growing fast in Australia and organic produce is endorsed by many of our top chefs, including Kylie Kwong and Neil Perry. But, what does organic mean, what are the nutritional benefits of organic food and are they worth the extra expense?

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8 Ways to Improve your Spiritual Development
Health, Inspiration, Soul mummymojo Health, Inspiration, Soul mummymojo

8 Ways to Improve your Spiritual Development

Are you seeking the light? Are you striving toward higher consciousness? Do you want to improve your spiritual awareness and take bigger steps on your spiritual journey? I have spent a lot of time with spiritual teachers and energy healers and this experience over the many years has allowed me to gather valuable insights about how to boost spiritual health.

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How to Curb that Craving!
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How to Curb that Craving!

Food cravings are experienced by everyone from time to time but some people, like me, find it more difficult than others to control them without a daily hit of chocolate or chips just to get through the day. Think of that 3pm slump! Distinguishing the underlying cause for food cravings can be challenging, since they usually stem from a combination of emotional, hormonal and biochemical factors.

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The Benefits of Oil Pulling
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The Benefits of Oil Pulling

If you haven't heard of oil pulling, at first read, you may think it sounds a bit far fetched. I know I once did! But, I've learned that you should never knock it until you try it. Oil pulling, also known as "kavala" or "gundusha," is an ancient Ayurvedic dental technique that involves swishing a tablespoon of oil in your mouth on an empty stomach for around 15 minutes - or as long as you can manage!

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Burn, Baby Burn
Health mummymojo Health mummymojo

Burn, Baby Burn

Why is it that one person can eat whatever they want whenever they want, yet another seems to put on a couple of kilos just LOOKING at a doughnut? The answer can be summed up in one word: Metabolism. Although metabolism collectively refers to all of the chemical processes that occur in your body, the biggest concern for most is the part of metabolism that determines how your body produces and uses energy.

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Maximise your Morning Routine to Make it a Ritual
Lifestyle, Health, Inspiration mummymojo Lifestyle, Health, Inspiration mummymojo

Maximise your Morning Routine to Make it a Ritual

Mornings. The dawn of a new day. Each one a new beginning, the worries and regrets of yesterday softened and faded by sleep. All is fresh and new, a clean slate. It is on the edge of darkness and light when images from our dreams are remembered, when we are most attuned to the quieter voices within. Spiritually, dawn is known as the most powerful period of the day, a time of huge energy and potential. Creatively, many find the mornings to be the most potent. “Think in the morning, act in the noon, read in the evening and sleep at night.” How could you maximise your morning routine to make it a ritual?

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Mojo Secrets to a Dimple-Free Derriere
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Mojo Secrets to a Dimple-Free Derriere

Cellulite, or what I like to call it, 'orange peel skin’, affects almost 90 per cent of women, but why is it that I always seem to go to beaches where the butts could be extras on the set of Baywatch? Back in the real world the lumpy, cottage cheese-like stuff pops up on our thighs, arms and butt or essentially anywhere it decides to plop, the bane of my existence! Some doctors say it is just normal deposits of fat. I disagree. The difference between fat and cellulite is obvious.

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Enzyme Juicing
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Enzyme Juicing

Consuming fresh vegetable juices can be an easy way to meet your daily vegetable requirements.

Doing so requires the use of a juicer, which extracts juice out of fruits and vegetables through using different methods, depending on the type of juicer.

One benefit of juicing your vegetables is the preservation of important enzymes found in vegetables, which are destroyed or significantly reduced during cooking.

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