Food that feeds the soul

Last weekend we visited our gorgeous friends who live in Newcastle. These amazing peeps live in a beautiful house that they designed and built themselves. Clever, hey! We always feel so welcomed when we stay with them - they even put us in a parent's retreat to give us a break from our kids. Devine!

They love to take us out to explore their city, introducing us to new restaurants and cafes, generally by bike - which the kids love!

riding a bike

On the Sunday before we left, they kindly offered to look after our kids and suggested we go for lunch at an organic cafe, right in the heart of Newcastle.

And boy was I happy with their recommendation!

Soul Foods Cafe make food that feeds the body and nourishes the soul.

You feel assured that the life your food has led has been a wholesome, healthy and happy one.

Soul Foods is the labour of love of Meg Garnham. Meg and her team create clean food.

Food that has no colours, no chemicals and no GMO (genetically modified organism).

At breakfast they serve Moroccan style eggs with char grilled capsicum, or if you are after something lighter their coconut quinoa porridge is delicious!

They have a new breakfast dish called the Wellness Board and it is filled with nutritional, tasty ingredients. It is too pretty to eat!

With a lunch menu that changes daily depending on the available fresh produce and a range of exciting salads, Thai fish cakes and frittatas the anticipation of trying new foods never ends.

Maintaining a healthy diet is interesting and sustainable with any choice you make at this cafe.

On the day we were there I started off with a drink. Organic coconut water mixed with raspberries, ice and mint. Refreshing, scrummy goodness.


Then lunch came! Not only were the ingredients local, but the organic vegetables and herbs were actually grown by their own horticulturist. And that homemade relish. I was tempted to lick my plate!

Newcastle food

I have a sweet tooth and Soul Foods has a large range of cakes and slices that are baked daily and made from locally milled Fosterton Farm Bio dynamic flour. They have a raw Mars Bar slice, guilt free - no sugar, no dairy, no gluten. It's too good to be true!


Soul Foods has made their cafe as carbon neutral as possible. Even the packaging is echo friendly, made of raw materials such as plant matter, starch and sugar cane mulch.

I know where I will be heading next time we are in Newcastle...where my soul is nurtured, happy and fulfilled.

Check out their Facebook page to stay up to date with all the info.


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